The One Goal Thread


Good morning everyone.

I'm seriously doubting whether I can do this, but today I'm hoping to finally finish the following.......

- Finish chapter 6 (qualitative result chapter)- and I mean FINISH!! :S- qualitative stuff is just so time consuming and I hate it!!!
- Edit and revise chapter 8 (Final result chapter)


Morning all.

My first goal is to edit section 1.1 and 1.2 of my lit review.

Good luck everyone!


Goal 1 is done.

Goal 2- edit sections 1.3 and 1.4


Wow, well done everyone! Sounds like you're all storming through your chapters.

Regarding the contraception chat, the injection was a dream for me, fully effective and no side effects bar not having periods (which lets face it, is hardly a downside!). I had to come off it as long term use can impact your bone density, so switched to the implant which gave me breast cancer scares and made just putting a bra on torture. I may just tell the doc that sod it, I'll drink 2 litres of milk a day and chance my luck - jab me now damnit. While I'd love clearer skin (and seriously love increased cup size) there's just so many horror stories about most pills that I'm feeling a bit earth mother about it all. Can't imagine what would happen if my mood got any less stable.

As for goals, I've now sketched out all my discussion sections for this chapter so must bite the bullet and type it up. Goal 1 is to get each section on the computer in rough form.


Hello everyone

Well, so far this morning I have updated and changed the terrible graphs in the other chapter I needed to fix, so that's done this morning and has been sent off, again, to my sups. I've had lunch, and now on to the next set of goals.

Goal 1 - fix up (as in, rewrite, again) chapter 4

Goal 2 - not kill my boyfriend, or throw things at the wall/desk.

Off we go! Good luck everyone, and Pineapple, I'm sure you'll be fine, just keep on doing what you can and don't worry about the viva until you get that far.


Everyone sounds like they're doing well!

I've done goal 2, so goal 3 is to edit sections 1.5 and 1.6, hopefully before I meet my other half in town.

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Hubs went to football at 12 and I promised to 'finish the work' before he was back at about 5.30. I've just finished watching a chick flic and now MUST get something done before 5.30. - we are then going out for our 2nd 'couch 2 5k' run URGH! but it must be done.

Goal 1: find US definitions of what I'm studying and see if its anything similar


Goal 3 is done.

Goal 4- edit sections 1.7 and 1.8


I'm soo soooo sick of looking at my thesis, I'm starting to really resent it. Only another months to go eh.

Todays goal is to finish the rewrite of C4.
so Goal 1 - methods section.

Goal 2 - draw up graphs and tables for results.

Hope everyone has a happy Sunday!


Morning all.

Today I am editing the dreaded discussion chapter, not looking forward to it!

Goal 1- edit sections 4.1-4.3

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Rubbish rubbish rubbish day already :-(

Goal 1: Write out a plan for the entire thesis.

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Goal 1: Complete.

Goal 2: Change references in paper


Morning all.

I am feeling very groggy after getting back from holiday late last night and due to a 7 hour flight delay I have lots of things to sort out which I had planned to do yesterday when I got back. But rather than writing off the whole day I am going to rewrite one analysis section now that I have had comments back from both of my supervisors.


Doesn't sound like we're off to a good start!

Goal 1 is done.

Goal 2- edit section 4.4

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Goal 2: complete - for some reason endnote had put all my book chapters as journals so had to go back and input all the data e.g. editors etc.

Goal 3: Look up definitions of the terms I need and adjust if necessary (after I get a cup of tea and a biscuit)