Totally fed up


De nada, Xeno. I hope that things get back on track for you and that you start to feel better! I think we all struggle with this to some degree or another.


Xeno, I'm so sorry that I wasn't around on Monday to offer you support, but it looks like Olivia & Co. were there to provide a shoulder to lean on. How are you feeling now? Was it a bad day or is this something that's been going on for a while? Sometimes reading other people's posts sends a shiver through me, because it's so close to what you're experiencing yourself. I've actually started going to a therapist. I'm talking to her about the PhD mainly, not my work but the toll the whole process is taking on me. I think alot of PhD students go through counselling. I went into the office and it was absolutely packed. Have you maybe thought of taking this route, seeing as the isolation is a major part of the depression?


hmm, you should find a job(or PhD) that you are really interested in. I like my present topic, so I don't mind working on it for 4 years. I may continue with a postdoc. better an assistant professor, then professor. you will be able to do it persistently when you find the right thing.
It is like you are finding a partner, if you find the right person, you will to be with him/her for ever.. Good luck!