Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work


Hi, forgot my password for my other account. Doesn't look like there are any postgrad open days at the moment. Hope there is another before September.
Did you have to know much detail for the interview? Or did they seem more interested in your opinions and attitudes?


I did prepare some specific information but it was mostly opinions and experiences, for example they asked what does anti-opressive practice mean to you?.
When is your interview?


My interview is on Wednesday. I am really worrying about it.


Its honestly not that bad!
I was really worried and didn't know what to expect but they stick to what they have put in the letter so as long as you can talk about each point you'll be fine im sure!


Good luck Katie for tommorrow.


I can't find any either. I think I might phone up and ask about it as there doesn’t seem to be any available.

For my interview I had read a few introductory texts and had looked up core values and beliefs needed for social workers. I think they asked my opinion on current issues too. Good Luck!


Thanks. Just got back from it now. I don't think it went that well. Didn't say loads of the things I wanted to. How long before you found out their decision?


It wasn't to long, maybe about 10 days.

I wasn't sure how mine had gone, i felt the guy who interviewed me didn't give much away so it was hard to tell.


I've sent a email to the postgraduate office to see if there are anymore open days coming up so hopefully we'll find out one way or another!



I have an interviewat Warwick but dont totally understand what they mean by 'Awareness of current issues/debates in social work practice'. Do they mean issues in newspapers or broader issues?.

Hope someone can help!


I took it to mean anything that is an issue in social work. Stuff in the news or in specific areas of social work at the moment.


Community care is an excellent resource for this, its a magazine that also is online and it has lots of things in it that you could talk about.
I talked about things that i come across in my job currently as well.



Thanks for the advice! Interview didnt go very well and whilst I was told by other interviewees that they were prompted if stuck my interviewer just looked at me. Shame as Warwick was my first choice


I wouldn't be worried about the no prompting, my interviewer hardly said anything at all and i got a place!
I felt that he was wanting more from me than i was giving but speaking to some people at work they said that the interviewer saying very little is often a way to ensure that all the interviews are conducted in the same way as to not give anyone an advantage over other candidates.


Hi I just got a letter offering me a place! I'm so happy cos I really thought the interview hadn't gone well.