We have just lost a thread???


Well for the equal opportunities monitoring we ask if they have a disability etc.. there is the option to not declare it.. But there have been a load of people claming disability living allowance or incapacity benefit who tick the 'No disability' box.

Thats another thing that gets me.. Equal opportunities.. The idea is to reduce racism and discrimination and treat everyone as equals.. So how is grouping people by race, colour, creed and health status.. Surely that is just prolonging the segregation of groups? Its PC gone mad I tell you!!


Its crazy.. I got accused of being a paedophile at work a few months back.. my sister sent me a photo of my neice and i was looking at it.. the next thing I was being asked explain why I had a photo of a little girl on my pc.. I was furious.. If I had been female no one would have battered an eyelid.


Shucks.. never mind its bingo night I will go and loiter round there and sell a few drugs and steal a few car radios while I am waiting for one to come out.


I did try.. but i am not an alcoholic so they turned me down


Ah well.. I will stick to bacteria and dunking biscuits in tea lol


oh yes.. I dont want to do it by eating a whole packet of jaffa cakes!


Aye you are not wrong there!!


Hehe good point


It has all gotten out of hand. Now if you possibly suggest anything that intimates that PC has gone to far you are brandished racist, sexist, agist or a bigot.


Its funny.. up here in yorkshire its not frowned upon if you start chatting to a random stranger on the train or if you say good morning to people etc.

When I was living in London doing my undergrad it took me by suprise that it is not acceptable to talk to people on the tube, you are not allowed to make eye contact with anyone (if you do it is a threatening gesture), if someone is in distress you are meant to just walk round them, if you hold a door open for someone they frown at you and grunt.. considering the cities are meant to be where we progress, it seems that humanity is regressing.