What a Drag it is Getting Old


For the longest time, I looked way younger than I was--so I really was not bothered about aging, as I just sorted of went into deep denial in my head and decided I was really 10 years younger than my chronological age! HAH! Figured I was getting some years back from the universe from being married about that long or some kind of positive karmic payment! Now I am not sure if I look my age or not--probably more than I have at any point in my life--but I am too busy to get bothered. On the other hand, I have not grown a single grey hair since moving to the UK and doing the PhD full time--as opposed to working and doing the PhD--so I think the reduction in stress has halted the grey hairs!


My dad did not go really grey until his late 60's, and so I am figuring since I inherited his hair, that is what is likely what is going to happen to me. And I think aging in your 30s is really the most traumatic, because you compare yourself to being 18 or 21 or 25 so it seems "old" but its really just about moving past youth/young adulthood. Then nothing significant happens until you are about 100 and you get a telegram from the Queen.


I've a friend who's 28 now and her hair is all grey and white. Dead sexy. She first found white hair on her head just before her 20th birthday... I thought it's actually not a big deal, external signs of ageing, as they do not necessarily betray... your age ;)

I am a lot more worried about the health-related things though. Like, I've been having lower back pains on a regular basis for the last two years, and all my aunts and uncles went like "well, you're good for it until the end now, and it worsens with age". Sweet Hangovers don't seem to get any better with time either. I can't drink half as much a I used to when I was 16. But maybe THAT is for the best...


the point is to make the aging worthwhile, to become wiser, smarter, more charming and more sophisticated.. while remain happy and carefree even troubles are popping up..


What’s there in aging? It’s all in our mind. U r young if u feels young. U r old if u feel old even though u r young. Whatever, life goes on. Hahaha.


i hate ageing too. but life is no satisfaction


SRE292--MORE HIDDEN ROOSTERS LYRICS!!! Wow, I never thought I would run into another Hidden Roosters fan on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you hear their gig in Baltimore? That of course was the classic one, but I think their taped performance at the People's Fair in Taos is a classic as well. Do you have a fav??!!!