What are your favourite academic sayings, proverbs or catch phrases?


Very similar to yours Lara my supervisor tells me off for writing something changing my mind writing it a different way, then thinking of another way of saying it, carrying on and going back to my first point!
So she says,' Say it, and leave it alone'
or another favourite
'Stop thinking, start writing'


My head of school:
'Save that for the book.'


In response to our suprise that supervisor knew answer to obscure question: 'I'm not a professor for nothing you know!'


lol shani, love that "only" 6 or 7 books.

lol dawn. @ Say it, and leave it alone'

haha yah my supervisor says the same thing, she was really nice about it and said, look i know you really want to get this point across, but you really dont have to keep going on about it, just say it once, the reader will understand, you repeating it wont make it anymore important. made me laugh,when we were going through the corrections. becuase it was funny. i kept going on about it , in different ways lol.


Like the Nils Bohr quote Juno...

liminalplace... my supervisor does that one too.. 'Stop thinking, start writing' :) Good advice in my case.

I also had 'Stop reading, start writing'.


Ha! Very popular in Psychology at least are about "the bottom line" of your (or others) papers, "the take home message" of talks and "the story" the data tells.

