What if ....What if.... What if ........................????????


Oh dear, the CND does sound quite evil!

I'm doing a PhD in DNA reapir. But I would also swap with a friend of mine who is looking at the behaviour of bats (plus, they hibernate- time off for her!). My brother is studying ship construction and is trying to work out how to kill off marine life in large volumes of ballast water to avoid contaminations. There are many interesting topics out there, I wasn't hellbent on doing DNA repair, developmental biology would have been just as fine for me. My maths isn't that great, so I probably wouldn't want to do a topic that involves too much of it (but I'd lear it if I had to for my project).


Yes, luckily you don't get told this untill it is too late, eh!


It depends on how far away the PhD is from your interest. My final thesis is turning out to be quite different from my original proposal. Chalk and cheese different won't be worth your while but wine and vinegar different might be ok for two reasons. You might develop geniune love for the area or you might be able to persuade your supervisor to mix your interest with his interest.


Thank you very much for all your replies.. It is interesting to how the discussion goes ahead. In a public forum like this, it gets personal and offensive (to a few).. one could do a research on this itself.. well I would love to do as my subject is similar to this situation but more specific to organisational context. I sincerely agree with a couple of guys here (Muvi and anongerman), we could develop interest in any subject particularly if the subject is related.


That was exactly my question. the project is really great and unique and has it own specific focus and is not been done anywhere else. The question was 'What if I read everything about this project and then I dont get it'. All other projects could be similar, though not the same. SO efforts could lead me nowhere?!!

And I completely agree with Muvi, regarding intl students search for funding.. I am in the same boat.. so even after keeping the options open anything could happen? I had asked if anyone had/is having such an experience.



Well, your efforts might lead you nowhere- BUT, if you don't put in the effort you most certainly won't get the phd. Think of it in a more positive light- as you are so keen on this project you will probably be better prepared and make a better impression than most applicants.

And no, as an EU student I had it a bit easier to get a phd, though it was very frustrating to see adverts for phds that I would have loved to do and then seeing that I would have no maintenance grant to cover living expences.

Good luck- and don't give up too early!