Would you do it again?


Guess who's back: O.Stoll.

First of all: what you say is nonsense and utter rubbish.

We all know that the PhD itself is hardly more than an sometimes unnecessary ordeal we were sent through to get lecturer positions. However, the system itself is not very truthful as most PhDs do not get lecturer positions post completion of their studies. In so far I completely agree with BadHairCut. But from here on, our opinions couldn't be more opposing: he goes on and on about how life has treated him badly and I wanted to show that there are other ways to make the most out of it.


Being able to call yourself doctor can provide massive advantages, perhaps not in all professions or all national backgrounds, but I do not believe it is a bold statement to say that the opportunities outnumber the disadvantages. It is just necessary to move away from this narrow minded perception of believing that there is only one career route and if you fail to get on that "publishing, lecturer" train than you are doomed. This is simply not the case.

And by the way, concerning your allegation of not reading the entire thread - I have better things to do than waste my time with pages and pages of someone displaying a disease named:"feeling so sorry for myself".


This is not a personal attack, but rather someone needing a reality check. Perhaps my advice is not so harsh and useless as some people might think. After all, I know what I'm talking about as I went to horseloads of shit during my PhD, with senior academics trying to manipulate me into a particular frame of mind which I completely rejected. Nevertheless, I made the most of it and I am sure BadHairCut will find his path. It doesn't mean that the path I have chosen is the one and only right one, it is just one of many which ARE out there, capice?


A better reply, but still humourous.
You contribute numerous postings but can't be bothered to read a few more, your time must be ultra-precious.

And why do you feel the need to denounce other people when asserting your own opinion? - the classical sign of weak anlaysis and unreasoned argument. Why the sustained attention on one poster? Which parts of my posts do you disagree with, as this is still unclear even after your multiple post?

A stimulating and interesting thread, de-railed by you. Pleased?


* analysis

Of course there are other ways, that anyone on here has suggested there are not is absurd, but then I'm not sure you can cope with sustained, reasoned argument!! (cue the insults )


Okay, I will actually devote my time to you personally and reply to each and every single part of your post that I disagree with. Luckily I am currently suffering insomnia so not missing on any sleep.

"If you are about to launch into a personal attack on someone, isn’t it simple courtesy to read what they’ve said before responding?"

As I said on numerous occasions, this was not a personal attack. If you interpret it as such, this is your problem. Sometimes truth hurts, labelling it as an attack is a nice way of avoiding to respond to it (to be continued)


"So, the most important thing about conducting, say, sociological research or other research that contributes to the fund of knowledge available in human societies is to be, er, “tough”. "

Yeah, actually I can speak from experience that in the current PhD system (which I would blatantly describe as unfair, discriminating and illogical), only a certain degree of toughness can get you through. We'd all like to live in nice enviroments to conduct science or research just for the sake of humanity and knowledge, but unfortunately this won't get you a PhD these days.


"are you suggesting therefore that PhD’s are generally worthwhile and lead to the kinds of positions you describe or are you merely telling people you don’t know that you have a lovely, shiny new job that pays you bundles of cash to feel important when you type on here? "

The answer is: both statements are true. That's exactly what I intended to convert through my statements.


The point being it can and does get you a PhD, but the actual worth of that type of PhD is decreasing rapidly, leading to the original post from Jennifr. Capice?


I'm not finished. I think it is a sign of politeness to let someone speak out before you interrupt, even in an online forum, capice?

"Heaven help me if that’s how people see me; I cringe at the thought. I’d rather be respected for intelligence, dedication to research and accurate findings, and so on, so perhaps your own materialistic, image-driven sentiment isn’t so relative to the question that was asked at the start of the thread. You crave money and social advancement (from what and how you write), many on here have stated that they do not, so you miss their point entirely."

That's where we are different, I did not intend to waste years of my life for nothing. Actually I am quite materialistic as I intend to make the most of it, both of life, and my PhD/education and this should be reflected in a competitive salary.


And I also think that is what the original poster complained about, not getting a competitive salary, materialistic girlfriend etc., so I think you missed the point here.


Not online, no.


The original poster was JENNIFR. Struggling with that?

I think the dollar signs are affecting both your intelligence and your eyesight.

You do seem "tough" though, in a typing way.


Perhaps read the thread from the start, as you're up and about?


"Two things stand out – that you were so quick to type you didn’t really know what you were typing; in that respect you reflect quite well the current condition of post-PhD academia in a great many UK universities (imo). And that you think if we all fought just that bit harder, brushed up our cv’s just that little bit better, spent just a few more invisible pounds on a suit with a better thread count, yes, then all 40,000+ PhD candidates would ALL get those jobs they wanted."