Waiting for AHRC news


The process is far more brutal this year than on previous years and damned good applicants will be rejected - that upsets me!

Dervish, is there any way that you could begin your Phd, for the first year whilst still working to keep the roof over your head, then reapply through your uni next year with the hope of getting the final years funded? If you do a good MA and you then have the results to show next year, and work with your supervisor in the first year, then I think you'd have a far better chance of funding. This year would be very tough, but I'm not sure that in the first year the workload is significantly more than an MA (although I may be wrong there!) Speak to your dept Dervish, you have worked so hard, and put yourself through so much to get where you are now, that it would be awful to see you have to step away


dervish, i can sympathise with you being unsure as to the value of continuing in light of the rejection. but really, producing a great dissertation is something you're unlikely to reject. no matter what you do next year, you can always apply again without too much effort, and a strong dissertation performance would only increase your chance of success.


Songs to feature on the AHRC "Letterbox Vigil" Mega-Mix Album 2008...

We are the waiting - Greenday
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Waiting for today to happen- The Lightening Seeds

What else?


I will have to have a think about letterbox vigil songs (there are plenty I'm sure), but for the follow up - Songs of Doom

Bad Day
I will survive
Why does it always rain on me?

More to follow


Please Mr. Postman


one day I might actually do some real work,

until then...


Oooh, another for the songs of doom!

Life is a Lemon - Meatloaf

for those who haven't heard it, it is a must if the worst happens!!



I pretty much did what Stressed is suggesting and it's a good plan. I took a year out between the MA and PhD and started working on it unofficially, so I wasn't paying fees and was able to do the paid work I had to do to make ends meet. I then applied for the AHRC for the following academic year. I was rejected last year, although I'm trying again this year. At least next year you will probably stand a better chance since the awards will be in the hands of your department. You have nothing to lose. But it's a reason to do the best dissertation you possibly can.


thanks guys for your support - maybe I'll see how I feel next year, but my job is quite demanding in terms of creative thinking (well at least I think so) and is about to expand, so I just don't know if I have headspace for both. Some of you have fantastic stamina with all this

Anyway - words heeded and back to Heidegger with avengeance - I can at least acquit myself in my dissertation - you are right.


You have a great attitude Dervish - I shall remember it when my if/when my TLoD arrives. I hope your dissertation goes well.


Dervish, as someone who is hoping for RPM funding to study heidegger, can i ask you what work it is you do? id love a challenging job if this fails, and presumably we have similar educational backgrounds!


I think it's good advice to focus on doing well in your dissertation. Like you, last years rejection arrived in the middle of writing it: my then-sup. said if I did well, my chances should be improved this year. On paper I improved, but I was rejected again. Not to say it will happen to you though.

Sounds like you're doing philosophy, which is what I'm doing. In which case, also check out the awards from the Royal Institute of Philosophy, which I also applied for this year - their announcements are made after the AHRC awards, presumably going to those who were rejected.


Bad luck Dervish but everyone's right: don't let the news close doors for good that you don't want closed.


hi wanwan - nothing philosphy related as it happens, sorry. My diss is for an MA in English, but I am drawing heavily on Heidegger's work on Holderlin (rivers) and technology to look at a fairly unknown C20 writer of gardens and travel, Lady Clara Vyvyan - rivers pop up lots. I just like the philosphical angle, and often wish I had opted for that instead of English Lit.

As for my job - I manage and deliver outreach and learning from cradle to grave at the County Archive here in Cornwall. I get to do lots of fast and dirty research for my projects, but it isn't quite the same. My workmates are a brainy bunch though - it helps.

I hope postie brings some joy for somebody tomorrow...


Hullo everybody,
Glad I've found this forum of fellow fretters. I am also waiting nervously to hear from the AHRC to do a PhD in English Literature. Currently finishing off my Masters without funding and I don't think I can do my PhD without it based on what this year's been like. I am almost entirely resigned to receiving the famous thin letter of doom, but there's a nagging voice of hope somewhere in the back of my head that I can't quite shake off. It seems that the results are coming out a bit earlier this year. I didn't receive my letter until halfway through September last year. Maybe it's to do with having less applications than usual. Good luck to everyone for the post tomorrow anyhoo.