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regarding phd from germany

I'm suggesting you try Google to find the necessary information you want.

regarding phd from germany


looking for a Phd assistantship/funding
PhD in networks/systems (wireless or optical)

Fair bit posted on this in the past. A good starting point would be to do a search of the forum.

Msc and MRes ???

Not quite true BHC. Many MRes's have taught classes, Lancaster's for example. The major difference (?) is the expectations on the student regarding self-sufficiency.

funded Ph.D in abroad....?

Probably not no.

How to finding funding at both Masters and PhD level in IS

Funding for MSc level in IS for International students is non-existent (in the UK). Full-stop. At PhD level, very (VERY) thin on the ground for home students. Much more so for Intl students. I would suggest you look to funding in your own country. Its your best hope.

Should I do a PhD?

Sorry sharna jackson, I was answering your question 'Would I be wasting my time?'. If you have no intention of an academic career undoubtedly yes, a definite waste of time.

Should I do a PhD?

@ sharnajackson. YES.

Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

Apologies if you felt victimized. Alot is just a bugbear of mine, and your particular one jumped put and grabbed me.

Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

'Alot' is actually a lot. There is no such word as alot.

Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

Similarly anecdotal. I think most of the 'users' (i.e. top posters) are UK based. I would also hazard a guess that the split between UK posters / other wise is still significantly in the formers favour. You are thinking in terms of threads started as opposed to number of posts?

Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

"Plus, although this forum is UK based, the majority of users are of international origin"

How do you come to that conclussion? Just wondering. I would say if anything the reverse is true.

way to find a scholarship


Took me 10 seconds on Google, and I know nothing about the medical world. Do some research on this YOUSELF mahi108.

How to finding funding at both Masters and PhD level in IS
