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What Are You Researching???

At present chocolate bars [a full and comprehensive research project] and which is the best version of 300 to download off the net.

PhD funding in Ireland

Bear in mind also the cost of living [eg housing] in Ireland. Scary stuff.

MRes Under Achievement

I've no intention of winding anyone up. I am aware though that the odd contributor here may have some unresolved personal issues with various of my posts in the past and that resurfaces now and again. I try and rise above it.

MRes Under Achievement

1. The city.

2. The University itself.

3. I had some reservations as to how much actual support I would have got.

MRes Under Achievement

I have no idea.

I didn't like them, so declined.

MRes Under Achievement

No idea. All I'm aware of is that as a postgraduate research subject the competiton for funding is intense.

MRes Under Achievement


MRes Under Achievement

It greatly depends how competitve you field is. My field is very. Some aren't.

MRes Under Achievement

I went for an Interview at the University of Paisley with Thomas Connolly [world famous in his field]. He informed me quite candidly that if you couldn't get a Distinction at Masters level then you weren't worth bothering with. He also said that its the students that don't get the distinctions that try and make an argument that its not that important. Was to him. Sorry all you passers/meriters if that spoils your day.

MRes Under Achievement

Q What kind of grades are expected for a masters degree to be considered good?

A. A distinction.

Maximizing value of PhD and savings

Sadly, I know of a PhD from Cambridge who's career never took off and who is now a life insurance rep. I think he expected it to be the passport to fame/riches but it never turned out that way.

A worrying sign of the times...

There have been some quite famous cases of students foreign students doing exactly that. Two that instamtly spring to mind were both big players in the SH chemical weapons regime.

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

'I was hoping someone on the course would reply to this too so i could ask about it!'

That sort of thing very rarely happens on here.

MS in CS

I was actually being facetious regarding your ridiculous use of the English language [i.e. da and dat]. Putting that aside, you appear to be taking about North America? That being the case you will probably not get an answer, as this is a UK based forum. I would suggest you try a US based one.

MS in CS

From da uni. I couldn't resist.