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MA/PhD in International Relations

Are you a UK [or failing that an EU] citizen? This will have a big impact on the possibility of you getting funding?

Looking to do PhD part time, Currently working

Yes, in the cold light of day it was very 'matter of fact' and somewhat blunt.

You could do that [re topic] BUT the bottom line as regards money is that is very little around [Christ Church - Kent was all I came across last year] for P/T CS PhD's. In my expereince [as regards CS] there is a definite preference for F/T reseach as regards funding possibilities.

Looking to do PhD part time, Currently working

My area [Computing]. It doesn't help that you're not a UK national. Notwithstanding that you're very unlikely to get funding as a part-time student in CS in my experience [period].

Anyone else enjoying their PhD?

I'd rather have the 5 million quid.

would you quit your PhD?

'...because I want to call myself Dr Apollo'. Not entirely sure thats a great reason, but not really my business.

would you quit your PhD?

I can't understand why anyone would actually want to carry on if they won such an amount. It doesn't make much sense. As someone said you don't do a PhD for the money [more as a career progression tool...is anyone actually doing it for fun?]. That being the case would you need a career if you were set for life?

Will Cambridge accept an application for a ScD from a person who has a PhD from a foreign university?

I didn't even initially think it merited a reply as it was likely a pi**take.

SMC Online PhD

To be fair she does [and has] lots. That said the joke was funny the 1st time....even the second...probably not the 100th plus time.

Giving research a try

I would have thought more like 18 months for an MPhil (?).

why in the England?

'You should stay in Italy near your parents. It will be much cheaper'.

Very sound advice.

Facebook - findaphd group?

Not being rude at all, but I just can't see the point. Absolutely nothing wrong with the status quo.

Msc or MRes???

I tend to find the obscure site www.GOOGLE.com very useful for such questions. You should try it sometime.

Nice American looking for money

'Should I just give up and do it in the US, where I've already been accepted I can do it for pretty much free?'


Christian courtship during PhD away from home

I can't believe someone finds Kate Winslett attractive myself [to make this totally a guy thread].

Christian courtship during PhD away from home

Depends what kinda of car it is. In actual car terms I have twice [I was a busy chap at the time and they were reputable cars]. In the terms of this issue I possibly would if the 'car' looked like Charlize Theron.