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Letter of Motivation for doing a PHD

Patrick if you're self-funding as long as you don't say something glaringly stupid it doesn't really matter too greatly. From the University's perspective it's a case of 'show me the money'.

how many publications do you have?

I think it excellent that you can get something published in a Journal as an undergrad. That has to be pretty rare. Even on my MSc. none of us got anything published. That said joined up writing was an achievement for some of them. I have done the odd thing for the THES and the Guardian, but that's more mature studenty type stuff.

Help, I need some advice

You talking about MsCrow or yourself sylvester?

Help, I need some advice

Don't count on getting rich quick [or even slowly for that matter] in webdesign. Cut throat business with LOTS of competition. Rather like graphic design, lots of highly talented people chasing not a lot of money. Just my opinion.

HELP - Databases

I suggest you read around some industry forums and get a feel for things on there. BTW if a UNI says [we incorporate aspects of Cisco/Oracle/MSCE certification in our MSc.'s its generally bollocks. In the end it's your call.

HELP - Databases

Yes in a word. I have a mate thats Oracle certified [10G] passed all 4 exams AND was on the MSc with me. Clever bloke. Got a job in Sheffield in Oracle DB's after 9 months his job was made redundant. It's now in India. Food for thought. DON'T believe a University lecturer who says there are plently of Oracle jobs out there. There aren't and those that there are require mucho expereince.

The most impressive answer you would have given

Just wondering. No deep, dark motive at all. I was intrigued on what your area is [e.g. 'I don't know single ESRC funded student in my discipline that has a first class degree - they all have a 2:1' etc.]. I must be in the wrong area sadly. Every person I chat to doing research in my area [Computing] has a 1st. And I mean EVERY single last bugger. Problem is too they have 1st's from bloody Cambridge and places like that, whereas I went to Lancaster and equally unglamorous institutions.

For the record I'm a mature student myself [40.6 years to be precise].

The most impressive answer you would have given

Camper6..what r u doing you're PhD in [Dept.]?

HELP - Databases

Networking and specifically PROFESSIONAL qualifications eg. Cisco. Here speaketh a person with an MSc with Distinction in Information Systems Eng [aka databases].

The most impressive answer you would have given

Probably Camper6 because either they enjoy research and/or they think it will help their future career. If [as it possibly appears to me] that you are motivated by a desire to prove something to society [e.g. former teachers et al] regarding a lack of past achievement, you will probably find sometime down the road that society as a whole actually doesn't give a rats ass what you do with your life.

Now just because you don't like something doesn't make it immature or offensive. On forums such as this you have to roll with the punches a little. If you say stuff like I am doing a PhD 'because I know I can do it, etc..', then you are bound to be ridiculed a little [in FUN]. Take it in good spirit.

The most impressive answer you would have given

'I didn't have an interview.'

Sadly all the stuff I apply for gets a zillion applicants and then a shortlist of 5 or 6 [not that short really]. That said I did knock back Paisley after being offered it, so I can't complain too much.

The most impressive answer you would have given

I genuinely wasn't trying to be rude. But you did come across Camper6 as a bit gung-ho. Motivated is one thing, 'Not doing a PhD isn't an option' is another altogether. Don't be offended. It's just constructive critism.

The most impressive answer you would have given

Camper...are you actually on a PhD? If not try that answer when the question is asked. It will be a quick interview. Remember they have to liaise closely with you and if you come across as a trifle [well to be honest] odd, it isn't going to endear you to them.

The most impressive answer you would have given

I personally believe it's important to be yourself [in the application process] so the University knows what it's getting. Better for you too in my opinion.

Marriage before/during/after PhD ?

None taken about2defend. If anything I was overly blunt.