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Lack of Role Models...

Hmmm. a little technical difficulty there.

Lack of Role Models...

Different but who about Betty Boothroyd or Stella Rimmington?

Lack of Role Models...

Different but who about Betty Boothroyd or Stella Rimmington?

Lack of Role Models...

Margaret Thatcher...are you serious? You'd get linched up north having her as a role model.

How to get over being dumped

Spot on W2DN. Best to find out sooner rather than later. I wish either one of my ex-wives had dumped me prior to marrying them. It would have save me a fortune re divorces.

Grades required to apply for a PhD

I would also imagine your funding situation has a bearing. If you are a self-funder it will probably be less of a big deal [certainly in my field].

Is this realistic?


Is this realistic?

I suppose the answer to that is as long as it needs to be. That said I’m sure 1000-1500 would have sufficed [probably]. As Mia said, we can all dash of 3 or 4 sides of crap in an afternoon. Creating a worthwhile and original research proposal that will be closely scrutinised is another matter altogether [it is for me anyway]. Certainly when you are not as au fait with the literature as you’d like to be.

Maybe I'm overcomplicating all this. Is there anyone out there that from start to finish completed a proposal [including any literature search] in a couple of days [successfully]?

Is this realistic?

Education and computing technolgies.

Is this realistic?

What amazed we was that the phrase 'rattle something off' is theirs word-for-word.

is this realistic [cont]...

Please ignore this and see other post. I was having a 30-something moment.

Is this realistic?

is this realistic [cont]...

The problem arose in that internal applications have to be in towards the end of next week so they encouraged me to rattle something off before then. After doing some initial reading it became apparent that to develop a meaningful and interesting proposal it would take a good bit longer than a few days [more like 3 weeks]. When I pointed this out to them [they are still adverting nationally with 4 working days to go] they dropped me like a hot potato. I personally think it unrealistic to advertise a studentship [in fact there are 9] the week before applications close, certainly where applicants are unlikely to have any previous scholastic background. Interested to see what others think

is this realistic [cont]...

The problem arose in that internal applications have to be in towards the end of next week so they encouraged me to rattle something off before then. After doing some initial reading it became apparent that to develop a meaningful and interesting proposal it would take a good bit longer than a few days [more like 3 weeks]. When I pointed this out to them [they are still adverting nationally with 4 working days to go] they dropped me like a hot potato. I personally think it unrealistic to advertise a studentship [in fact there are 9] the week before applications close, certainly where applicants are unlikely to have any previous scholastic background. Interested to see what others think.

Is this realistic?

In the last few days I have been having a dialogue with the Research Admissions tutor in a very well known University. I was interested in pursuing a PhD in an area secondary to my original area of expertise. As it happens it would be secondary to nearly all students’ expertise as no undergrad teaching takes place in said field [quite specialised then].

Said Dept have been doing some serious advertising of these 1+3’s and after discussing it with them it is evident that they are concerned they will not fill their studentship allocation. They latched onto me rather like a drowning man and a lifebelt in this respect.

TV shows when you were younger!!!

Blue Pater? I'm going to have to start proof reading my posts. That or lay off the dinner time sessions in the pub.