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New Zealand Uni VS UK uni

doing wonders in your field proves you better than anyone else anywhere else,Why run to highfi places?

PhD grading

Hopefully the supervisor will get annoyed with the arrogant **** and kick the hell out of em

German Doktorat and American PhD

Hey...can u tell me how u were able to get admission in a german doctorate degree...n how u got scholarship?...did u do a language course before hand for german..plzz i really need some knowledge on that...thanks :)

Help abt German PhD?

I plan to do my M.S/PhD from Germany as my fiance' mite b going there,can u help in telling about the scholarships that i can get for them..I am a silver medalist BBA..n am doing my MBA currently from a reknowned university in Pakistan called "IBA"..i have heard there r good scholarships for Asian students? can somebody help me on that?

HELP!! How can I transfer my PhD to another Unviersity?

Opps, typo, 'Having' should read 'Have'.

HELP!! How can I transfer my PhD to another Unviersity?

Having you tried discussing your lack of supervision with the postgraduate team or research degrees committee at your current Uni? The Uni has a duty to ensure that you have adequate supervision and you should certainly talk to somebody ASAP if you haven't already. Good luck.

HELP!! How can I transfer my PhD to another Unviersity?

You don't mention what your PhD is in or the type of program you are in. But there are schools that will take earned PhD credits. I am interested in doing the same thing and have spoken to two recruiters with whom I was honest and upfront. Both have been able to address the issues I am having at my current school.

Legal Action

This makes me scard to read this I am an international student going to start my PhD on the 2nd of this month what will I have to face????

use blogs

Thanks J. I tried it and found it's better because it has few advertisement and make the blog nice.

Who is interested can have a look of my new blog:


Namby Pamby?

Continuing the Creative Writing discussion...is a Masters in this subject still regarded as a bit mickey mouse? I've been offered a deferred place (hurrah) but have had lots of dark looks from "real" academics...would be interested to hear your views.

Legal Action

You know what? I'm glad someone from academic has responded to what students have to say. You will be surprised at things that happens in Uk universitites especially to international people. You know that statement that UK universities have about "equal opportunity", it makes sense that they just remove these because it is just words and paper. It doesn't exist.


I am thinking of applying. Thanks for advice Kelly.

Legal Action

I am a Senior Lecturer. I am ashamed in reading some of questions on bad supervisors. The academic environment must be enjoyable and supportive for all PhD students. It is hard enough without having bad supervisors. As a supervisor myself, I feel these people should be reported and exposed as bad supervisors. They cannot get away with ruining peoples careers. Legal action is a possibilty but can be expensive. Any thoughts on how to tackle this problem?


Hi JJ, I'm in medical sciences and i find the lecturers extremely helpful and friendly. Have you applied to Newcastle or are you thinking of applying?

HELP!! How can I transfer my PhD to another Unviersity?

My friend faced the same situ at uni of soton chemistry dept and they didnt let her change........funding restrictions, her supervior was never there too and she went for a Mphil instead but try your luck where is your uni?