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software help qualitative data?

CAQDAS (Computer assisted qualitative data analysis software) helps you code and retrieve data although you still have to do the transcription yourself (a proper transcribing machine makes this alot easier -ask your university if they can supply you with one). I'm using N6 software at the moment -it doesnt interpret the data for you (i.e.you still have to do all the thinking!) but it certainly makes organising it alot easier. But be warned: it's a lot more expensive than buying a tube of glue and some scissors!

How many master to apply for

get a co 2 sponsor u. ie finance ask accountancy firm 2 sponsor u

Masters Dissertation

ya i got 4 days 2 go and im only writing up results now, supervisor gone and was unhelpful anyways and not 100% certain if wat im saying is correct

How many master to apply for


I'll be applying for a masters course this autumn, but have to have funding for it to be possible. As funding is not guaranteed on any of the courses, what's the etiquette on applyng for several masters to increase you chances of getting funding for one of them?

Any advice would be much appreciated!


PhD morons!

And I thought that I was clever because I knew the formula for water, well thanks Bob, you have ruined my day

software help qualitative data?

Hi, guys. I'm a new PhD student. Yesterday, I saw a PhD fellow did his transcript work, using eyes, ears, feet, fingers... He listened the tape and enter them into the computer sentence by sentence. He told me then he would code and category. It's really a hard work. He told me everyone did like this. I'm very confused. Are there any software help us transcript interview infromation from tape to ASCII code or Word format, etc?

italiani..ci siete?

Se vai in Uk puoi iniziare da un mese a quell'altro. Per gli USA devi avere il TOEFL tassativo, poi devi fare domanda entro fine anno per entrare a Settembre/Ottobre 2006, cioè ti salta un anno pari pari. In ogni caso è sempre meglio informarsi prima chiedendo direttamente al Prof inglese e americano che sia, per evitare di riempire moduli, carte etc...per niente. Fossi in te però un tentavio al MIT lo farei....

italiani..ci siete?

Grazie..mi sto laureando in biotecnologie.Dovrei farcela per il 2005.Ci sono scadenze particolari da rispettare?..per quel che riguarda il mio prof.è come non ci fosse!!quindi devo solo sperare in un miracolo.Ma è così difficile?In realtà sono molto combattuto tra UK e USA!Leggendo nel sito mi sono già fatto un'idea delle differenze tra questi due Paesi..e forse per questioni economiche sarebbe meglio optare per l'oltreoceano. Tu che consiglio mi dai?

italiani..ci siete?

Ciao. In cosa ti laurei?Inizia a scrivere a tutti i prof che trovi su findaphd.com, allegando il cv. Digli che vuoi fare il PhD, ringraziali per qualunque suggerimento di possano dare. Di solito in UK rispondono quasi tutti. Poi, vai sui siti delle università e guarda le posizioni aperte sotto PhD studentship o simili e scrivi alle segretarie chiedendo informazioni (sono quelle che sanno tutto). Prepara un cv accademico e applica per le posizioni più o meno in linea con il tuo cv. La cosa più rapida sarebbe chiedere al tuo Professore di tesi se conosce qualcuno.


I am also excited but scard too. I am going to southampton chemistry department

PhD in Transportation

Hello, Sorry I am not answering your question, rather I have one for you. I also want to pursue a PhD, however at Imperial College. I was wondering how your experience was. By the way, from my experience (in Canada) no consultant has a PhD. From what I hear, you do it because you love research. But that is all that I know.

Student bank accounts

Sometimes just taking the "graduate account" option is better than reinstating your student status. The Graduate Loan is better value than any credit card, afterall. You'll also be able to get Graduate Mortgages. I'm told HSBC are good.


I'm Dutch but studied entirely in the UK. I find that the European system may add practical skills but I don't think it makes a difference really. The whole point of a Ph.D, I'm affraid, is that it's MEANT to be a struggle. If it weren't then everyone would have one. It's a qualification I expect students to WORK for. Yes, I support and assist but by the end they MUST be working on their own. The diff between UK and German/Italian students is the UK ones have a steeper learning curve.

out of touch

It was 3 years between my B.Sc and Ph.D. It was a bit of a chore to begin with, but I soon got re-settled. The people who wait 10-20 years: they are the ones who are likely to REALLY find it hard. Suddenly age and experience are no object when you start your Ph.D: it's the diversity I love about academia.

Entry requirements for a PhD in Sweden

I believe officially a Bachelor degree is sufficient, but in reality I think most have a Master degree. Why don't you contact the institution you're interested in? They can tell you their special requirements. All Swedish universities have English versions of their websites, so finding the contact info shouldn't be a problem.