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One other thing, find out if your Uni runs a PhD Viva preparation workshop. My Uni did and it was really helpful. Even if you are up to date with the university regulations and procedures regarding the viva process, it's good to meet and chat with other students in the same position and you'll be given lots of good advice and tips.

Any top tips?

Thirdly do not do an unfunded project. If someone iss good enough to do a Ph.D then they deserve money. People who get poor grades sometimes feel they have to settle but it is rubbish.

You work hard so you deserve the small reward of a stipend. If you have to do a masters to get a Ph.D, then do it.

Something i also highly reccommend is taking a year out. Might not seem what you want now. I certainly had planned to take a year out but it was the best move of my life!

Good luck!


You're welcome. You may find this link useful;

All the best :o)

Any top tips?

Hey Liz, you sound well suited to a Ph.D. A good second is a good grade so do not fret if you do not get the first.

Firstly try and get in a good university. I do not mean OxBridge, plenty great universities out there.

Secondly good supervisor. Ask the people in the lab what the supervisor is like. No matter where the project or how good it sounds if the supervisor is a nightmare it will be hell.

Time committments for a PhD???

I expect that Stu (like any sensible student) fully investigated what PhD research would involve before he decided to apply for a studentship. That way you don't get any nasty surprises...


It stands for Doctor of Philosophy. See the 'PhDs Explained' and 'PhD Life' links for further info.


I have a degree in Industrial relations and human resourse management from Ireland is it possible to recieve your masters in teaching in england as a follow on from the latter degree? I would prefer it to be in special needs teaching also.


What it means: PhD?

late payments

It's Friday and I still didn't get my payment :( :( Am going to be staying in and eating beans on toast this weekend! I do wish they would hurry up....

How far is it......?

L - that cracked me up!!

PhD Interview - Telephonic or in person??

Hmm, should be a problem?...I think i better take the chance then!, shouls i ask them if how many candidates are there? would it look ok if ask that..

MSC scholarship for Biotechnology is over or not? (pls ans. findaphd team)

i am student of agriculture biotechnology and i want know about phd scholership there

How far is it......?

Stu! How do you expect to get ESRC sponsorship for this project with that sort of attitude!!!

Replies world record attempt


Replies world record attempt
