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part-time research degree study

does anyone have experience or info on part-time study for a PhD? any resources for part-time external study in UK or other universities?

writing up

Yes, but you have to say you are immediately available for work and show that you are applying for jobs/going to interviews. Most people writing up want to concentrate on this and won't be able to take a job immediately - so it gets a bit dodgy.


U will be fine. Have some ideas and have things to say. I know how u feel as do alot of people on this forum

How Often?

Yes I dont understand how someone can decide is something humourous or not. E.G. the one about whehter the skirt goes with teh shoes ... thats not relevant to phd stuff right? This wasnt but it was taken off? I dont understand.

Multiple applications

Don't make too many or else you will look indecisive - how can you convince them you're committed to this project for 3+ years when you're applying for lots of other projects?


use the findamasters site to search for the MSc courses. You can also use the UCAS site to find out which universities are active in psychology. Another way of find the course you want is to decide roughly what uni you would like to go to and look at their site.

Another way would be to look on the times higher ed website, you will need to register for a free trial (but you get sent a free newspaper!!!). These have university performance tables, and i believe that there is a table that shows which universities are best for pyschology, and in general the better uni's will offer the best MSc opportunities. I hope this all helps, best of luck

How Often?

The site regulators probably have taken it off, or moved it. I feel that they ruin the forum to some extent, removing certain things as they see fit. But when someone made a whole post impersonating me as desperate for women, they kept it on. Very, very unprofessional. As I said in that forum, people should be given unique user names to prevent impersonation, also people that put inappropriate comments could be banned. Any plans for this findaphd team?


Can anyone offer me good practical advice on which universities offer good educational psychology MSc courses?...


Someone has been clearing out all the posts with links to hot supervisors!!

writing up

Is it possible to claim jobseekers allowance while writing up?

Multiple applications

It seems like the former uni you when to your "indecisive" supervisors have rubbed off on you. Apply to one million if you have to. Don't be stuck at a Bsc, Msc like most people unless you are happy to be stuck there.

can you apply for more than one aus grant?

Why don't you ask the Uni of Melbourne? This site is mainly for universities in uk.


Goodluck for when you start - you're not the only one in the same situation!!

First week- what r u doing?

Get reading up and get to know everyone in the lab - whether they are involved in your project or not - you may need them for help or advice later on. I think we are all in the same boat on this one - I just started two weeks ago and have mainly just been reading up.

How far is it......?