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Sophie - the Quantum Physicist in the Apprentice

I agree Ann but then that goes back to her thinking that the cost of a retail item is only the parts/ingredients and not the labour, marketing R&D (which was pointed out).

She just comes across as one of those people who are academically good but then don't have much common sense.

Sophie - the Quantum Physicist in the Apprentice

well she kept calling herself a girl geek and then coming out with stupid comments "I didn't realise milk froths" "are dogs clever enough for a doggy operated fan".

Her view on life was extremely small.

Why did she take Sugar's comments about the pharmaceutical industry, shes a quantum physicist not a chemist/biologist etc....????

Lack of appreciation = lack of motivation

Corinne, try and understand from you mum's point of view, how she was brought up and what she believes in. Yes it sounds very backwards but she probably doesn't realise that she is hurting you with these comments. I agree with the others, I think you should sit down with her and have a chat about how demotivated she makes you feel.

My mum still wishes I hadn't started my Phd, especially with her sister's daughters both buying their own houses etc she feels very envious that it's going to take me a bit longer to get to that settled stage. She lets me know how she feels. However she is still supportive, telling me to make sure I'm working hard and not worry about other small matters as this is really important to my life.

Shall I change my username?

oh I'd forgotten about this, still no good names.....

The role of the public intellectual?

Nigel Barker what a hottie

Something we agree on for once pea

Where is pea?

oops is what I meant

Where is pea?

I don't think that would go with my outfit pea but thanks anyway (happy)

if you're happy and you know it....

the thing that makes me happy is

I'm halfway through!!!!!

(and I had lots of positive feedback recently and a number of people very impressed with my work including a remark that I could finish in 2 years if I wanted - sadly not from one of my supervisors).

hilarious wobble stick

Thats good news though

Shooting in Virginia

Well it sounds like the guy who did it had lost the plot totally. Why is it so easy to get hold of a gun in the US?

It's just awful.

hilarious wobble stick

Where can I get one of these?

hilarious wobble stick

A poem about the forum...

where have you been hiding anonGerman?

A poem about the forum...

oh no

hilarious wobble stick

Sounds fun, where do I sign up?