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Data in excel file

I would just input the file as a text file and write some short code to put alternative lines into two new text files.

Data in excel file

======= Date Modified 13 Oct 2008 22:08:47 =======
I don't think you can do this without writing a VBA script. Here's some help:



EDIT: Tricky's idea is excellent!

What is Your LIfe Colour? ( test)

Ooh, same as MissSpacey!

What is Your LIfe Colour? ( test)

You scored mainly in the Water-Earth quadrant. This 'green' quadrant highlights the 'down-to-earth' aspect of your personality and your enjoyment of everyday life. You like to 'go with the flow', enjoying all sorts of practical experiences. Your life is like a river which flows across the ground, meandering towards the sea. When obstacles arise you will adapt and flow around them, without too much worry or concern. An 'earth' person will very much live life in the present, rather than worrying too much about the future.

People who map into this quadrant will often seek a variety of everyday experiences and base their decisions on what they have personally experienced, rather than what someone has told them or what they have read about. Therefore, sometimes you may delay making a decision because you have no 'real world' data to tell you what to do. You like to be totally happy with any decision before taking action.

You are likely to be good observer and take in a lot of visual data. Details are important to you and you will often take time to find out how something works. You usually like the 'best' in everything you do and therefore your standards and expectation of others may be too high. Remember that no-one is perfect!

Quality in everything you do is important to you. However, realize that you may sometimes have to compromise to meet the needs of others.

Confess your daily food intake and exercise regime

Quote From juno:

I have heard that dark chocolate is better: because it has more cocoa per gram, you don't need to eat as much to get the chocolate kick.

I agree with this, a normal size bar of say Green & Blacks 70% will last me over a week as I will eat a one or two small squares a day and feel that is enough. A milk choc bar of the same will last than a day.


Should I apply to academia?

I think Celina meant that she will complete her PhD next year?

You said you are in science, would that be lab-based (surrounded by chemicals and foreign entities)? If so, you need to remember that you wont be able to go into the lab as soon as you know you are preggers. That could piss off a lot of people. It's also a lot harder to do lab work part time etc.

Personally I think you always run the risk of having to work longer hours and your contract will expect you to without complaint.

Science can be 9-5 but not always. Maybe you should consider a career change that would fit in with your family life, I know a lot of women who have had to this (hence why less women in science).

Problems with PMing/Inbox

And me!

Question for Olivia or other American people on the forum

Thanks Olivia, that helps a lot, you're a star! (up)

Question for Olivia or other American people on the forum

Waaah, where are you Olivia?

Question for Olivia or other American people on the forum

When does the undergraduate university year normally start in the US? I assumed that it starts in fall, so around now?

Is there any chance that there are courses (first degree ones) which start in December?

Confess your daily food intake and exercise regime

lol @ sneaks!

Confess your daily food intake and exercise regime

Ermmmm, I soon as I wrote that post, I had to have a few spoons of nutella to make myself feel better.

NUTELLA = very bad, don't ever buy it.

Tastes too good :-(

Confess your daily food intake and exercise regime

My hair is the longest its ever been though, I have to admit, which is nice. However all my layers have grown out so it looks a bit pants down but easy to put up!

Confess your daily food intake and exercise regime

I haven't been on the scales for ages, mostly because I know what I will see.

However I have hardly left my house while I am writing up and don't go anywhere except a trip to Tesco (by car) now and again. I keep saying to myself, it's only for a little while longer and then I will have money and time to spend on doing myself up, going to the gym, GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE! I keep eating junk too because it makes me feel better (for like a second).

3 yr PhD: A Myth (or not) ?

In my department, you are given a an extra year. You pay fees (if you weren't already) for that first extra year but they aren't too bad. After that they shoot to well over a grand and go up every month.

To encourage you to submit as near to the 3 years as possible!