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Informal Interviews over the phone

Hi MrBojangles, I'm afraid to say that you should have either asked when this "informal" interview would take place or make sure you were fully prepared for the unexpected call.

They may take into account that it has been a while since you did the lab stuff but they could also think you should have looked it all up as you knew the "chat" was coming.

Anybody willing to co-operate?

What does co-operation mean in this context?

Lovely weather today!

I nearly got blown over on my way home at lunchtime, had to hide in a doorway as the wind was too strong. Considering I'm no light-weight, this is scarey.

Then I couldnt watch tv properly as sky kept jumping and coming on and off

When is it spring?

Christian courtship during PhD away from home

and potential slobber factor

Reasons to be happy that its January?

There aren't any.

January sucks big time.

A lesson to be learnt...tut tut


The moral of the story is, don't just buy your degree instantly, use Belford which give degrees based on life experience.

Celeb Big Brother 2007

Eugh, get the b*tches of Eastwick out of the house.

Esp the one that looks like a pig, even after all that cosmetic surgery.

Facebook - findaphd group?

Piglet!!! I had let off the steam until you brought the discussion back.......

Anyway I'm not saying anymore more

Christian courtship during PhD away from home

Imagine you married a guy and you never kissed him beforehand and it turned out he didn't know how to kiss, only slobber. EUGH!

I don't understand what's wrong with kissing before being married. It's a way of showing affection and being close to someone you feel strongly about.

Have you done anything unproffesional or stupidly inappropriate?

Thats not too bad, I'm sure she will eventually understand why you did it.

Have you done anything unproffesional or stupidly inappropriate?

Did something naughty with a test tube?

Tried to burn your nasal hairs using the bunsen burner?

Ate some agar jelly?

budget allocation for your research??

I think most people will have a specific budget to buy all their chemicals and equipment. Sounds like you should have a chat with your supervisor and set an amount you can use.

How to pursue a PhD in Germany

Don't put your email address down fully. You will get spammed.

Where is Pea and Laura (Bioreactor)?

I reckon they are doing their work, unlike me....

Where is Pea and Laura (Bioreactor)?
