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Who had heard about funding for 2010?

Blair, that's a good point and worth considering, but -- if you do get offered a place -- perhaps you could set up a meeting (or a phone call, or even an email) to disuss your concerns with your potential supervisor. This will give you a chance to scope him/her out, and make an informed decision.

I agree that ignoring your calls is frustrating, not to mention rude, but maybe there's a good excuse? I contacted the postgrad admin in my department for news, not a supervisor. They always seem to know what's going on more than the tutors anyway (although at another place -- Nottingham actually -- I received no reply to the last emailI sent them).

Either way, I think it is worth *trying* to make contact should you win a place. Just one last go can't hurt.

For many people "plan B" is work for a year and re-apply. The good thing about this is plenty of essay/dissertation-free time to work on applications, and distributing them wider. This was certainly going to be my "plan B", as was applying abroad.

Really hope this works out for you Blair.

Writing an Introduction?

Hi Alana, how's the thesis going? I'm doing an English MA too and I'm currently writing my dissertation which is due in Sept 10 (it CANNOT come fast enough!). My intro is 3000 words exactly at the moment! I need to make a few additions once I reach the end of my conclusion and go back through to edit, so hopefully I can also delete some of that, keeping it around the 3k mark. I think that is a reasonable amount and long-enough to be thorough without babbling. after all, since this is a dissertation not an article or an essay, your intro takes on more importance: you're addressing a specific problem or 'gap' in research, for e.g., and you will need to take time to set that out in context and in relation to others' studies, as well as explaining your own approach, what you will or will not do and how you're going to do it/with what primary texts.

Right now I've had about all I can take writing the dissertation, it's been going on for so many weeks, I just want it to end. I'm dreaming of being liberated (if only for a few weeks!). ;-)

Who had heard about funding for 2010?

Thanks Blair and Hanan. All I have to say is I thought the wait would never end, and I was prepared for bad news, just goes to show: you never can be sure. Don't try to second guess yourself. And good luck.

Who had heard about funding for 2010?

Hi Killahtron and Leaf :-) thanks for your stories. I do have funding now for the PhD (beginning in Sept/Oct) so that's one huge worry off my mind. All that's left is the dissertation, which is getting harder and harder to work on every day (I also work 3 hours a day Mon-Fri). I guess Ijust want it to finish, to have some closure, which feels a long way off but, realistically, is about 5 weeks away. Just a case of keeping at it until then.

I'm worried,actually, about how much paid-work I will be able to do with my funded PhD and stipend. I haven't received the terms and conditions yet, but I think I will need a chat with my boss and to reduce my hours or leave completley. Not looking forward to that because they have been very flexible with me for my MA.

Wow, look at all my complaining! Sorry guys!

Too much paid work?

I would say: yes!

Too much paid work?

Hmm, I'm currently working 3 hours a day Mon-Friday (and, like you, just finishing my MA beginning PhD in Sept). I work to cover lunch, so 12-3pm most days. I must say, this has been tough with my MA seminars and writing around the middle-of-the-day hours, but I needed a job and, with the economy, I had to take what was offered. Having said this, I enjoy the place I work for, and it isn't tough going, just admin.

Your post has made me think though, I will need to drop some hours -- well, not hours, but days -- if I want to get some teaching experience. I was thinking of maybe suggesting a job share where I work 2 or 3 days (perhaps for more hours in the day) but also have 2 or 3 days off. I don't know if this is possible, but worth a go. Basically the PhD is more important than this job, and if I have to, I will quit. You can always take the job and see how it works out for you. If you think it is harming your research, then leave. After all, the research is more important.

Who had heard about funding for 2010?

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Thanks Youngsta (and congrats!), thanks Button. Here I am again loathing the thought of my dissertation *rolls eyes*. Where's everybody up to with theirs? I'm on 11700 words, but lots & lots of editing to do once I hit 15k/finish the conclusion. Many places need deleting/re-writing. Woop de doo.

Update: after a morning's work I actually have less words *rolls eyes*

Who had heard about funding for 2010?

No it doesn't sound arrogant Hollyc, sounds good though! Have you had any feedback from these interviews you could use to improve certain areas? You certainly sound dedicated. I did hear good news actually, on Tuesday :-) I won the department scholarship, waiting to hear more details but ... it's odd when you find out. Very happy, obviously, but with the MA diss,almost as if you can't celebrate too much until the MA is over. I'm so fed up of my dissertation now, everyday is a struggle to sit with it. In fact, that's what I'm doing on here now, trying to put off going to it. I know I have to finish it ASAP, though. Then I'm free (for a while!). Good luck, I really hope you get what you want :-)


I've recently discovered (via the joys of Facebook) that an old housemate of mine now works for a company called Academic Answers. Basically, they edit/write your essays for you for a price. I think this kind of thing is simply unacceptable - but it's all over their website how it "isn't cheating" (www.academicanswers.co.uk). But it is to me. Just wondered what others' opinions were on this matter? I think it goes against the spirit of academia entirely!

Who had heard about funding for 2010?

How did the interviews go hollyc123? Any progress on the diss too? And anyone else on this thread? I'm just checking in for updates ... it's interesting to see how people's lives turn out.

I'm still waiting to hear, but I have had some positive 'unofficial' nods.

Predicted MSc outcome on CV?

Why not put down your "current average"?

Argh - never ending wait to hear outcome of PhD interview!

Thanks Blair, and to you (7 days to wait for me...)

Argh - never ending wait to hear outcome of PhD interview!

I'm still waiting to hear whilst writing my dissertation and breaking up with my boyf (of 3 years). I have nowhere to go, not sure if I'll get the funding, and it's just... horrible. I certainly won't miss these weeks when this is over :(

Argh - never ending wait to hear outcome of PhD interview!


I know how you feel. I have to wait until mid July to hear back about funding. Winning a place has been easy for me, thankfully, although I need funding to do the PhD, so it seems as if getting a place is an anti-climax! I applied back in March, and have been waiting ever since. Sigh.

All I can offer you by way of advice is, when you find your thoughts drifting down the what if trail, try to put it in perspective. Lots of great researchers didn't just fall into funding or a place at a certain institution, but had to work through their dissapointment to succeed. There is nothing productive that can come out of the wondering and waiting, so try to get on with other work, and do the best you can unil the day you will know. In your lifetime these weeks will be very little time spent waiting.

I daren't hope for the best because I feel like I want it too much. It's all just overwhelming.

good luck :-)

Who had heard about funding for 2010?

Hi Holly, what course are you interested in? None of the PhDs I applied for required interviews, I'm in the English dept, so I can't imagine what it would be like. Do you have any other interviews lined up? :-)