Overview of insomniac

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please.. help... severe depression?

As we know, mental health has been a taboo subject and worries that admitting to suffering with such DO make (some) people think differently about you - I kept (and still do) my issues to myself, as far as possible. A while ago i posted here out of desperation and found the support a great help - much more so than 2 visits to my GP. In the end i felt better DESPITE her (non) intervention... and so i keep going, making hay while the sun is shining, but aware that another 'episode' could be around the corner.

if you do go to the GP and have a disappointing experience, please go and see a different one. i didn't have the energy to at the time, so maybe you could take support (the bf?). Good luck x

Those annoying little acts of rudeness (angry smiley)

I know it's come up before, but i couldn't remember, so I googled bogan:

'According to the stereotype, the speech and mannerisms of "bogans" indicate poor education and uncultured upbringing.'

courtesy of wikipedia

Those annoying little acts of rudeness (angry smiley)

i'm with you 100%

you need a license for so many things, just not the really important one, it seems


another smiley? (apparently two words are two short for a title)

oops - it's goodluck (no space!)

another smiley? (apparently two words are two short for a title)

you were so close

I'm very close to quitting

that's a very good point - writing things down helps me a LOT. it literally get things out of your system and it's clearer when it's down on paper (or computer screen!). see it as therapy though, and NEVER click *send*

Masters Environmental Science

i did under-grad env.sci. at MMU and it was the best three years of my life (still in touch with some of the dept.) i can't profess to know how good it is now (or how others rate the master's course(s)), but may be worth a look.

Those annoying little acts of rudeness (angry smiley)

whilst the sun makes me incredibly happy, another phenomenon i've noticed is how it can make others incredibly short-tempered. just yesterday i was on the receiving end of some psychotic woman's rant (we were both waiting for the same parking space but hadn't seen each other - i got in first). it was like it was the end of the world! when i got out (to her banshee-like scrawking) i went over to explain/apologise but got so much more verbal that she was beginning to draw a crowd.

strange behaviour on a lovely day, with your baby daughter in the back seat

another smiley? (apparently two words are two short for a title)

Misunderstandings between PhDs and civilians No.564

When I'm driving and some idiot thinks they can intimidate me by moving in to kiss my rear bumper (so to speak), I merely slow down gradually, back to about 5mph below the speed limit - much gratification if they are unable to overtake.

When people (dare to) imply that i 'have it easy' and am basically on one long holiday, I smile sweetly and really get my own back by AGREEING. They don't know what to do with that!! I tell them how sorry I feel for them in their stuffy offices, while I'm basically master of my own destiny, I tell them what a wonderful picnic I had in the park, how great it is to drink coffee and read things I'm really interested in... (I DON'T tell them about the late nights and occasional tears)

The PGF team in the 1980s

Had to stop it after a minute or so - my sound IS working. Thanks for that sylvester Bad memories. At least I didn't get as far as seeing MS and her silly cap...

I'm very close to quitting

hope you're feeling a little more positive today. the sun is shining again...

remember that it's just a long series of little steps - you're most of the way there.

vegetarian question....how do you get enough calories...

very similar reasons to myself actually - very good point about humans/animals, could debate for hours...

Anyway, it really is so much easier than it used to be. Personally, I don't get too hung up on the few additives in treats (like jelly); overall, my diet it really healthy and our bodies are designed to filter out the crap.

As for watering down morals, you could end up torturing yourself pointlessly. I have found a huge variety of veggie cheeses etc and enjoy them. I always buy organic milk (it's only pence more expensive for clear conscience) and do the same with other products BUDGET ALLOWING. You're doing your best and shouldn't feel guilty - or worse still, be made to feel guilty (some people enjoy trying to draw you into a debate so that they can 'catch you out' on stuff: sad).

Shall I change my username?

a chat room would be so much easier than clicking between two different threads...

Last on to post on this thread wins

night night