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elevensies - ANYONE?

7 minutes

elevensies - ANYONE?

well i'm only 6 minutes late... have you been and gone? I've got chocolate cake...

Happy St George's Day!

i don't!

Happy St George's Day!

i was talking about kind-hearted volunteers, sylvester - you grumpy old man!


Happy St George's Day!


Last on to post on this thread wins

nothing on this earth lasts for ever

Happy St George's Day!


but also

(stunningcoastline) - and coastman!

Last on to post on this thread wins


Happy St George's Day!

England's patron saint, piglet. i think he fought a dragon... no, honestly!

Happy St George's Day!

any excuse...

please.. help... severe depression?

hi compsci, glad to hear you're feeling better. in response to your questions, i think that that although support systems could probably be improved, which would help many students, there is a certain element (and i include myself in this category) that were crazy to begin with. i don't know the stats, but i would guess that a disproportionately high number of postgrads/academics suffer inherantly from mental health issues. oh woe... i've always had a tortured soul...

night time version of 'elevensies and high tea'

waitin', watchin' the clock, it's four o'clock, it's got to stop
tell him, take no more, she practices her speech
as he opens the door, she rolls over...
pretends to sleep as he looks her over

well it's not 4o'clock yet, but it's late/early enough. that's another chapter written (yay).

night night

night time version of 'elevensies and high tea'

wow - that's another one of my favourite things: standing still and looking up at the sky when great big snowflakes are coming down and there's no wind (to be specific!). the snowflakes all appear at different sizes, dancing around and falling at different speeds. it disorientating and magical.

sadly, it doesn't snow here like i remember it used to when i was a kid. we still get a couple of bouts in winter but the weather's doing funny things (not wanting to get into a climate-change debate!)

i found the french alps stunning, but not as pretty as the mountainous Polish south in winter - VERY pretty.

there are probably more benefits to your climate tho...

night time version of 'elevensies and high tea'

maybe trees waving at me in the wind. my desk overlooks my (tiny but perfectly formed) garden, but i live in a rural(ish) place. lots of fields, river, canal... i would love to live by the sea - it takes me about 45mins-1hr to get ot the nearest stretch that i enjoy walking on. it's called Formby and has wonderful dunes and woodland.

night time version of 'elevensies and high tea'

I scream in affirmation
Of connecting dislocations
And exceeding limitations
By achieving levitation.

I forgot about that one!

Can you see any out of your window? (Big Waves, that is)