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Originality - worried...

Hi everyone....I'll be starting my phD in October of this year. It's on a contemporary French female filmmaker, and until recently I was very excited. I feel like I've not really understood what a phD entails. When I applied, still doing my M Litt, back in November, I basically wrote up a proposal on what I was most interested in, something I'd love to read and write about. I'm a bit of a fool, because, at the time, I thought that was enough. In addition to that, I basically thought I didn't have snowball's chance at funding, and just went ahead with the proposal (which my prospective supervisor said was "very mature and impressive") all guns blazing.

My research area has been pretty well investigated by a couple of scholars, recently. I love this subject area, but am unsure what original contribution I can make to it. In truth, there isn't an awful lot written on my subject area, but what has been written seems to get a very good grip on it.

Has anyone else encountered similar anxiety? Though I'm not suggesting anyone's been as daft as me. I've been incredibly fortunate in being approved for funding, and don't want to let anyone down. Just having horrific visions of being told I'm just going over old ground, and having to quit somewhere down the line. Sorry for the moan, but I'd appreciate anyone's feedback. Thank you.

Do all humanities phD's teach?

I'm in a bit of a pickle. On applying for my phD, I asked my prospective sup if I would be likely to get GTA work, and she said of course. Speaking to her yesterday, she said it was unlikely as the department has no money. I'm worried as I do want an academic career (fingers crossed!) and I know a CV with no teaching will be useless. I'm doing my phD in the French dept, but it's on cinema. I'm thinking of contacting the Film Studies dept to see if I could even volunteer to help them out. It's not the money I'm concerned about, but the experience. I've already taught some film classes in the French dept (I'm doing a Masters in European Cinema there), but didn't do any marking. These were classes for Honours students, and I'm not sure I'd be allowed to mark their work.

Does anybody else have experience like this? And would anybody be able to enlighten me on when a phD student in the arts might normally start any teaching? I've heard it's not often done in the first year anyway, which would buy me some time. Thanks for any feedback.

An arts phD in 3 years

Thanks for your reply, Chrisrolinksi. I think I need to speak to my supervisors. I will say that I've done a heck of a lot of preparatory research already, throughout my undergrad degree and my Masters. I wouldn't aim to finish in 2.5 years or anything like that, but I would like to be finished by the time the 3 years are up.

An arts phD in 3 years

Thanks Pamplemousse! That's good to know. Good luck to your husband.

An arts phD in 3 years

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and hope you all don't mind my picking your brains. I am going to start a phD in French cinema in September and would love to hear from anyone who managed to complete a UK arts phD in 3 years. This is what I'm aiming for. I've already done a lot of work in my research area as part of my Masters. I know it seems to take everyone much longer, but it'd be great to hear from anyone who did indeed manage it in 3 years or expects to! Many thanks.