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job application help

Sorry - just seen the "I have to get this in tonight" - only saw it this morning so sorry if I am too late

job application help

Sorry - just seen the "I have to get this in tonight" - only saw it this morning so sorry if I am too late

job application help

These sorts of questions are really had to deal with as (as you have suggested) you aren't going to put anything other than yes.

All I can suggest is you give an example - I had to fill in a form at work for my annual appraisal which had all the competencies (including equality and diversity) and so in answer to

"Understand equal opportunity issues as they may impact on academic content and issues relating to student need"

I wrote

"Yes – eg have taken account of a student’s caring responsibilities in context of fieldwork; ensured that non-EU students were advised in good time of the visa requirements to ensure they were able to participate in international fieldwork; consulted with / advised students regarding dietary requirements / cultural sensitivities prior to and during fieldwork."

Could you put something in similar - eg with reference to the course you undertook or is there something in your research that you can put in (eg if you are researching with people can you put in that you ensured that you discussed access or other special arrangements with participants or what about howing sensitivity to Muslim colleagues during Ramadan or Orthodox Jewish colleagues (or participants) on Friday afternoons in winter, what about covering for a colleague with caring responsibilities if they have to go off work at short notice or letting a student leave eary to pick children up from school).

I think the fact that you have taken a course on equality and diversity shows you are committed.

why these con PhD institutions are around?

Anyone in academia knows that it is where you did your PhD that matters and who supervised / examined it. I've heard conversatiosn between people who have PhDs and they were asked not where did you do it but who was your examiner or who supervised you.

These bogus PhDs do get found out. I'm sure anyone who got one of these bogus PhDs woudl soon get found out with a few questiosna. And the point of a PhD is not just to pick up the piece of paper but the journey you go through to becoming an experienced researcher.

As for discounts on fees - that is not unusual - the university I work in offers graduates a discount if they decided to stay on for PG study.

Anyone going to RGS?

Title kinda says it all. It's the RGS Confernce next week and I wondered if anyone else from the forum was going to be there

PGF Drinks/Dinner up North...

Manchester would suit me too

Help reassurance with conference prep

Hi Ev

I think 3 days is plenty of tiem to do your slides and familiraise yourself with the paper.

Regarding the paper being work in progress - i htink that will be fine - as lots of conferences I have been to people have presented really sketchy stuff and have been fine. I think it is good to say it is work in progress and ask for suggestions.

Which conference is it you are going to? I am at a conference next week - maybe its the same one? Is it in west London?

PGF Drinks/Dinner in London week of 30th August

I'm in London (from the North West) at the RGS conference but not sure whether I can escape from it (Head of Dept is also at the conferecne so my absence might be noticed)

Where to find PhD Thesis online?

Some people have elected not to have their PhD digitised but you should be able to get it from either British Library or the library of the university where it was awarded.

How long to wait..?

I took ten years between first degree and part time MA (to work including professional exams), then another 7 years between MA and MSc (fulltime) - again working and having children. Have just started PhD (partime) after anotehr break of 5 yearrs 9although I did do PGCert for HE in that time). Two years at this stage is nothing.

Funding online PhD

A colleague of mine is doing his PhD with the Open University - not sure where his supervisor is based but it is possible to do PhDs remotely - you don't really do them on line as there are no classes to speak of (other than research methods). Some universities will let you do research methods remotely even if it isn't an online degree.

When Natassia met Phdbug!

Is anyone going to the RGS next week? Would be good to meet up if anyone is.

very short proposal limit...

Agree with what everyone else has said - abstracts for conference acceptance are often 200 words. You just need to put in the key points.

very short proposal limit...

I think it is def doable as slides are meant to be an aide memoire and not a text version of everything you are goign to say so just list the headings and have notes of what you would say under each.

For my formal PhD proposal I was restricted to 2 sides A4 maximum including headings, references, everything. It is doable.

Back from holiday /research trip

Because of the amount of luggage we had (including camping equipment) I did do a sort through and chuck out when we were in New Mexico and I have filed it at least into stuff from archives, stuff from National Parks (sorted geographically) and other stuff and so on. I'm worried if I do too much sorting of that I will get too into it (watching all the videos I took, transcribing interviews etc) and the conference presentation won't get done or my son won't have his uniform for his new secondary school (and as I won't be here when he starts as I am in London at the conference for 4 days I am feeling guilty on that front anyway).