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A bit down...

Cobweb - try international students. they have a different attitude. you'll be surprised how many friends you make in a day. just say 'hi .. are you at the uni of x? what are you studying? ..." everything will flow from there. you will have more coffees than you can handle and more than enough people to moan at. my problem is actually the opposite. i try to limit my numbers to be able to work.

that said, am sure there are good and friendly english people out there.. but its more work with them.

don't allow people to beat up your confidence. you are confident. don't let unfriendly people make you think otherwise.


A bit down...

Someone - i totally agree. am well travelled and i can say that the English people are the most unhappy and unfriendly people i have come across in the world. i have been here for more than ten years and am not surprised by the suicide rates and drug addiction in this country. why can't people just talk? they wouldn't need to kill themselves or drug themselves if they did.


:-) apologies to the English for my honest thoughts.. some things need to be said.

How much would this annoy an editor?

you need to chase them otherwise they will do nothing about your paper.. i was in a similar situation, only for them to waste my time and almost reject my paper. apparently my paper was confusing to one reviewer, the other said it was great but i should shorten it. i've decided to put it away for a while, while i revisit the 'confusing' parts as its part of my thesis :-(.

better luck!(up)

How Independent are your case studies?

@eska - thanks. i did try to do mine that way but the second chapter was just too big that it obscured the point i was trying to make. i found i couldn't describe the case and compare at the same time. i then decided to have an extra chapter comparing the case studies and discussing the parameters of comparison.. leaving the case studies as descriptions. any thoughts?

How Independent are your case studies?

its time to take a break. i can't spell anymore.

How Independent are your case studies?

thanks phdbug. any ideas what i should do? am afraid of comparing at point b and being expected to say more, on not comparing and examiners thinking am incompetent.

How Independent are your case studies?

obviously, that was meant to be 'on this'.:-)

How Independent are your case studies?

hello everyone,

for those of you doing case studies within your thesis, am currently writing my second case - study and planning to have a comparative chapter. therefore my structure is case study a, then case study b, then compare a and b. however, am finding that whilst writing b i almost want to say 'similarly to a ... '. is this ok? or should i stay independent til the comparative chapter. on the one hand, not identifying similarities and differences, leaves it to the reader to take note of them, although i eventually acknowledge them in the end. on the other hand, identifying them means that i will be repititive in the next chapter but has the advantage of improving the flow of the thesis. has anyone encountered this and heard from their supervisor on it?

thanks.. you're my support group

Publishing more than one paper in one journal

Poppy - in my field, publishing doesn't take that long, especially if you have already written your existing work to a high standard.

the bit about competing with myself is interesting. will think on it, as well as the possibility of two papers following on from one - maybe have a part 1 and part 2.

thanks. ultimately, i think its best to diversify. thanks for your thoughts.

Multi-taskers: work, kids, other commitments and PhD


am currently working part time, writing up and caring for someone. some weeks are great and i get a lot done. then there are others when my productivity is very low - like now - because of all my other activies.

am hoping to submit in March and don't want to push my deadline any further. is anyone else in this situation? it would be great to just encourage one another on this thread.

Publishing more than one paper in one journal

Hey everyone, I have three papers in a middle-ranking journal.. its fair to say its top ten in my field but probably in the bottom half of the ten. I'm thinking three papers in the same journal may not mean much and am considering publishing others in a different journal so as to look more credible. What do you think? Has anyone send two papers at the same time to one journal?

I'm desperate to publish widely before my viva inorder to look a bit credible as I do not enjoy talking about my work. Or maybe am not so good at talking about it. I don't know.

Another reason for publishing is so that parts of it don't get out of date as my field is constantly changing. However, I don't want to waste time on this as am writing up and plan to spend a weekend only splitting a chapter for publication.

Your thoughts?

Anyone else working over the weekend?

am working as well.. need to finish this chapter and give it a voice. :-)

i love the way you're all discussing films 8-)

Anyone else working over the weekend?

am working as well.. need to finish this chapter and give it a voice. :-)

i love the way you're all discussing films 8-)

Having your own voice is the toughest part of writing up.

thanks guys. you're views are all really encouraging. am taking everything on board..

am trying to imagine am giving a lecture 8-),

then also telling myself that am being read :$

and reminding myself that i know a thing or two :-)

and that am not the only one struggling with this :p

thanks so much for the chapter. was really helpful(up)

Having your own voice is the toughest part of writing up.

thanks guys. you're views are all really encouraging. am taking everything on board..

am trying to imagine am giving a lecture 8-),

then also telling myself that am being read :$

and reminding myself that i know a thing or two :-)

and that am not the only one struggling with this :p

thanks so much for the chapter. was really helpful(up)