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Global Competition Review - my uni does not subscribe to this journal - help

thanks everyone for your insightful comments. I wrote to the author yesterday and he's not only send me an updated copy of the article, but he's offered to send me a free copy of his new book. . for once things related to my research are actually working out.

thanks everyone.

Global Competition Review - my uni does not subscribe to this journal - help

404 - i've already tried that and it didn't get me anywhere.

Otto and Goods - looks like there are no electronic versions of this journal accessible thro copac, so i may have to pay for it instead of going to oxford or cambridge- the only holders of the hard copy.

Global Competition Review - my uni does not subscribe to this journal - help

thanks Otto and Goods for your prompt replies.

as i need it urgently - by Thursday, i may just pay it if i don't get it through the British library.

Excuse me for asking this very obvious question - how do you access the British lib via your library? I thought it was through a database called COPAC or something along those lines, but i wasn't able to see that name on the list of databases. i will try direct access.

thanks guys.

Global Competition Review - my uni does not subscribe to this journal - help

Does anyone know any library where I can access a copy of this journal as my uni doesn't subscribe to it and i urgently need to checkout a paper one of its volumes?

Friday Night - The whole world is enjoying life and/or clubbing..

same here, i did some reading in the afternoon, but i still have a paper to read today and i also need to incorporate the one i read earlier. i've been sitting here for hours - since about 7 watching TV. i think am gonna take today off and try to be up early. am just tired/ hungry.. i keep nibbling on this then that, then watching this saying i'll start reading after this programme, i think am just gonna accept that am tired and not up for it tonight. or maybe am lacking discipline!! i don't know.. i think i need the evening off. all the best in your decision making .

Friday Night - The whole world is enjoying life and/or clubbing..

hope you had a good walk and thanks.

social norms in business - anyone know where i can get such literature?

thanks verdy and shani - i will look into the stuff you have pointed out.

Friday Night - The whole world is enjoying life and/or clubbing..

i'll be reading a paper and incorporating it into my thesis. I have to finish a bunch of papers by Monday to be able to submit a good chapter by Friday. I read one earlier, so am on to my second one.

Friday Night - The whole world is enjoying life and/or clubbing..

am up Otto. You can count on me to be up most nights as my working day is ending at 4amish lately. Trying to meet a deadline for Friday next week.

social norms in business - anyone know where i can get such literature?

thanks. though i've never heard of such an encyclopaedia. i'll look for it.

Sophie - the Quantum Physicist in the Apprentice

they pay in shares but employee ownership accounts for about 3% - its only in the states when employees made millions from companies such as microsoft and others along the silicon valley. hoping to work in such a company and make such a salary i would say is a stab in the darkv - unless ofcourse you start the company yourself.

social norms in business - anyone know where i can get such literature?

hey guys, if you can help me get lit on social norms, that would be great. i've checked everywhere- google scholar, e-lib, library catalogue, can't find a thing - only one journal which takes a quantitative economics approach - which isn't really helping.


Lack of appreciation = lack of motivation

so for mispelling your name - corinne.

Lack of appreciation = lack of motivation

wow - houses H. my parents haven't mentioned those yet as most of my peers don't have them yet. they usually come at me when they hear how someone i went to school with has a good job and everytime a friend of mine or their friend's child get married. parents!! they are less direct than Corrine's tho - my dad tends to say, 'there's more to life... bla bla.' he doesn't mention what. though he once said that being an intellectual is not what life is about, its about getting a well paying job and amassing wealth. i choose to put these things at arms length - i hear them but i do not act upon then. i will act on them when i graduate - right now, no. Sorry, your mum said that Corrine.

Sophie - the Quantum Physicist in the Apprentice

Krokodile: i agree. i think they were mean to her coz of her Dr. Title. The presenters scrutinised her more and attacked her views more. I guess that's what we should expect when we get to our PhDs.

However, i also noticed towards the end that most people she was working with liked her because of her intelligence. I think what they liked was association - more than her.

Her board room contributions were crap - and she should never have spoken unless she had to - she was so stuck in science to relate to minute stuff like quanties of milk and real world stuff like selling.

However, she applied some viva skills in defending herself in the boardroom - that was interesting to see. At least she accepted she was wrong - she wasn't like the other girl - Jadine or the one who couldn admit that she made a mistake yesterday.