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Interview for Said Business School

Hey Friends, just some advice from someone who knows said "Said Business School" in Oxford very well: try to improve your English. This a serious advise and not some stupid comment.

PhD and Sleeping disorders

Guys, it's an inner struggle. I need to constantly motivate myself to go the extra mile. What helps me sometimes is this youtube video:


Watch it, and you'll be able to fight all night

PhD and Sleeping disorders

Nobody out here tonight? Arggh, I need to know that I'm not the only poor soul having to work on this tonight. My fellow non-European friends, of course you're living in a different time zone..

Where are you MBA students ?

MBA? What's that. I thought MBAs have decreased in value these days. So who is still willing to pay 20k for it?

PhD and Sleeping disorders

Who is in it for an all nighter?? Just had two double espressos, extra strong. So I don't have a choice rather than writing on it all night because even if I went to bed I would be up until 5am.

Let's do it once again.

MD or PhD - What's the difference?

How about a Google search? This is ridiculous, Mann

really really bad mood

Anybody seen that little animated men on the first page of Findaphd.com?

I feel like that guy, asking myself the following questions: what am I doing here? Why? Where has my life gone?

really really bad mood

I'm in a very bad mood, too. Don't know why. Been procrastinating last few days and feel angry at myself for that. Been watching 9/11 live coverage on YouTube, made me even more depressed. I hope it's just the post-winter blues.

where are the Cumputing PhDs?

"artificial inelegance " - please explain that concept to me... Is it part of a cumputing degree?

reverse culture shock!!!

The biggest culture shock for me was English humour. Initially, because I didn't understand English well enough, later because I didn't understand the jokes. Just recently found this article, written by a Times journalist.

English humour is the sound of the bullies. The overtold story of the English underdog overcoming the big man with laughter is simply not true. The English constantly use the humour as an indiscriminate bludgeon. Jokes come one at the time and then gang up on victims, relentlessly pilloring Indians,Jews,Scots,Irish,French,Germans,Hindus,Muslim, cripples, dogs, dunkies the devil and God.
There is hardly anyone who hasn't at some point been slapped with the famous English humour. The bullying and teasing laughs pervade almost every aspect of life.

Everything seems to be going horribley wrong....

First of all, I'm very sorry about this and I know how depressed you must feel.

How cruel it may sound, though, this should teach you a very important lesson: do not get sidetracked thinking about publications too much while you should be working on your PhD. You see now, this has only slowed down your progress and no direct benefits have been gained. All I can say, really.

happy evening work hours

Imagine how much more productive night owls could be if company bosses would finally accept that not everybody can work best from 9-5pm.

happy evening work hours

I agree Chris, night time is the best time of the day for the work: it's quiet, no other distractions, nobody around, no noises. Although I am ashamed to admit that I will a break from work tonight. I am too tired. Too much caffeine intake last night resulted in me being awake until 5am and then had to work at 8am.

What's the most you've had to spend (begrudgingly or not) on something related to your PhD?

Conferences are sooo expensive. I don't even know if they provide any value for money because the accomodation is often not even included. So what do we get for our money? A CDrom or book with the proceedings, a biro, a delegate batch, the chance to listen to presentations with audiences of up to five people but not much else? Please don't kill me now but I usually check where the conference is, and then just walk in without being an official delegate. Saves me a lot of money, although I still have to pay for the accomodation. Never been asked why I don't wear my badge. Obviously, I am actually registered when I present myself.

How do you feel today !

"Do you know what i like in England ... "Respect" ... people treat each other with respect and smile ... not like what i experienced in other European countries."

Can I share your experiences? Most definitely not, I'm afraid. Quite the opposite, to behonest.