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Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?

I think I call it a day; +359 rubbish quality but better than nothing.

Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?

I would like to thank Danone for their "Revive Drink"; Emmi for their cold Espresso/Cappucino with milk and The Coca Cola Company for their, Coca-Cola..

Flying hyper through the night

Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?

Excellent. It may sound stupid, but working through the night is a very lonely experience, in particular on a windy night like this. Therefore it's good to know that there are more people out there doing the same. Good luck everybody.

Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?

I'm Aries; impulsive, sometimes arrogant..

Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?

what I meant was "working through until 1AM"

Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?

who's planning an alnighter tonight? I'll start now, hoping to work through till 1pm, then sleep till 10, check and correct and repeat the same on Sat and Sunday. Anybody having similar plans for this weekend. It's just impossible for me to get any work done during the day.

Is undertaking a doc for pleasure a contradiction in terms?

I think it's good.

However, be prepared for the pleasure to somewhat disappear througout the research period.

hi every one

He is in India or Pakistan or somewhere. He is a real person and terefore my joke really isn't that funny. But then I couldn't resist because, a) his request is silly
b) who with a brain would put a real phone number n a public forum?

hi every one

I just rang the guy and pretended to be Dr Smith from University of Maastricht. This guy is hilarious.

He said: "I request MBA from Netherlands". I said "Our institution would be honoured to accept your application, however, would you also be willing to do some teaching for our Master students?" He said:"Yes, I can do that". Then I had to put down the phone because I started laughing out loud.

Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?

I agree, there is no need to fight the body bio clock. My brain and body are working best between 8pm and 3am.

Who else is planning to have an allnighter tonight?

endnote - what does it actually do?

It organises your references, makes it easy to access the list, change it, and later to transfer it into a word document prior to submission of your thesis. I strongly recommend its use, I've seen enough people running into trouble with regular word document reference lists.

Nevertheless, don't expect wonders from the programme, it's simple and doesn't have that many options apart from the ones described above. But then, what more do you need?

discouraged, family pressure, illness, lack of motivation

Good luck. Remember, if times are tough, the forum members are always here and we now exactly what you are going through.

What music is everyone listening to?

What happened to the off-topic section?

discouraged, family pressure, illness, lack of motivation

With regard to having to be selfish, I agree with all previous statements. I found it out the hard way. But at the same time it makes me guilty and I feel I might have taken the wrong decision - if we end a relationsship because of the PhD pressures we actually value some stupid university course higher than the potential life together with one person. Which I found sad and not the right thing. Because, without the PHD pressure, perhaps we would have lived together forever and now I'll never find out. On the other hand, the PhD leaves no choice because it is like a marriage: it's just not possible to be married with two women at the same time and to give them both the same amount of time. So one of the two will have to go, which is a dilemma. And because that's happened to me, just one more reason to hate the PhD.

What are the good parts of doing a PhD?

"Reading this has just made me feel socially superior to all the chavs in Croydon who have difficulty opening a train door. "That's right you Burberry-clad, muppet-features, push the pretty glowing button..."

Hypothesis, you sound like a stuck up, arrogant idi**. Perhaps you're not, but that's what it seems like if you provide statements like this.