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analysis of results

I have used SPSS before, but the results I want to compare one of my set of results with are all just simple maths, percentages and the like, so I think I ought to do the same, as I want to show a trend across time.

permission to use an illustration

It is just for my thesis, thanks fo rthat.

analysis of results

I'm about to start analysing some of my results. I don't think I will need to use something like SPSS as I can use graphs and charts to show what I need to show, and the material I am using for comparison used only graphs and charts. Do examiners expect statistical analysis? There seems little point in doing it just for the sake of it - and part of me thinks that the more reader-friendly the final document is, the more it might get read, which is one of my goals, not much point in it being stuck on a shelf. So anyone just using basic maths techniques???

Once we get it, what do we do with it?

I guess it depends upon how you could cope with the constant searching for the next post, as of course, once you are in the post the clock is ticking towards the date you will be leaving and sometime down the line you will have to start thinking about where you are going next instead of concentrating on the here and now. On the other hand, if you want to leave your present post then you might want to look at a few other options before taking the plunge, to see if there is the possibility of anything permanent on the horizon. Ultimately it is the choice between something you want to do, but has an uncertain future and something you can rely on to pay the bills. I must admit to never having had this problem because luckily all my jobs have been interesting, not well paid, but you can't have it all - would I have given up a post if it was unfulfilling and taken another that had a limited lifespan? I'm not sure, but I did leave a training course that had more or less guaranteed security for life to seek something else when it became obvious that their ideals and my ideals were poles apart, so I would probably go for interest over security, otherwise you could spend your whole working life doing something you don't like, and regret not taking a chance.

permission to use an illustration

I have found a pamphlet issued by a now long gone education branch of the trades union movement (printed somewhere between 1945 and 1950) -by a chap who had Primrose as one of his middle names - and in it is a line drawing that I would like to put into my chapter on labour power. Any ideas how I can get permission as obviously I can't ask the person, - and the organization who produced the pamphlet no longer exist.

Doing a PhD part time?

It can be done, but you have to plan carefully, and you have to make sure that everyone else realises that you will not just be able to drop everything and fit in with their plans at a moment's notice, you have to be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to go out as much as you did, and that people do not always understand why either of these things may not be your only concern. I'm part time, but apart from my studies, I'm also chair of the local community centre, a school governor, and am a steward for the union at my place of work, and I keep up the usual jobs around the house and garden. It is hard work, but then that is the same for any PhD - it is just spread over a longer period. however you need to consider the demands of your particular area, for example I can do a lot of work from home - don't need labs or anything, and have supervisors who answer e-mails etc. promptly, both of which are important features for me.

What to call a Table of Tables

A table of tables --a tablet(te) surely :$ :-) - sorry about that, its been a long day!!!

I've been well and truly used

Oh dear, dear Pineapple, you are going to have to remove this person from your life. If you let this person back in, even a little bit, you will never be free. It takes a long time to get over these things, and the whole thing will have drained you. A friend of mine had a similar experience with her ex, who was actually physically violent towards her, but she said it got to the point where even though she knew she had to get out she somehow felt powerless to do anything about it. You may feel your situation is dissimilar, but the constant attempts to renew the relationship is really just a way of controlling you, of keeping the upper hand. As other have said you must cut him out of your life, don't answer the phone, don't communicate at all, he will feed upon these scraps of conversation and lure you back in. You might be able to get advice from relate, who deal with all partnerships, not just married couples. I'm not sure you should take too long a break, as sometimes it is harder to start up something again, especially as in this case it becomes entangled with negative feelings. you have vented a little here, but not enough! Write it all down, everything you can think of, all the bad feelings, all the anger and hurt. then, when you have got it all down on paper, burn it, watch the flames and regaqrd it( as much as you can ) as case closed. Then write something for your PhD, it doesn't have to be much, or even something you think you will include, but get back on track, remember that you have taken a first very positive step. Good luck, and best wishes. It isn't easy, but it will get better

Don't want to come across as a nob, but...

I think they are just things they give to people because they have a few spare and don't quite know what to do with them! They don't mean anything in the real world, and never would. They are probably just at the same level as the 'degrees' you can buy from the internet. - At a school I used to work at the head had new nameplates for members of the senior management teams with their qualifications underneath. If I had had one on my door it would have been twice as long as any of theirs. They just wanted an ego boost which i guess is what the honorary anything bestows - or perhaps they are expecting a donation or something

fingers and thumbs

I think it is perfectly normal - at least I hope it is! I'm in complete awe of my supervisor(s) they are both top of the tree, and me, well I'm the lowly worm nibbling away at the root. however I think they look upon all these things as sweet, and say nice things all the time, and never say -'that is complete and utter rubbish' either which I thinkis very good of them as I expect they think it all the time. They also boost my confidence no-end when they say things like 'you are the expert in this, I expect to learn from you about X'. Great people, I have found, are always generous with their priase, its the ones who think that they are great that cause problems! :-)

Summer Break from thesis: Camping suggestions

whan are the midges out and about in Scotland? I can#t remember is is Sept/Oct time? I'm just thinking if you get caught by them, you will have more than a week off I should think...all that itching and scratching to do :-(. I haven't camped in England for a while, last time I went camping in Wales it snowed BRRRR. i find Greece a better bet! However don't forget to take a book - in a plastic bag, - in case you get withdrawal symptoms ;-)

Me, me, me...

could you put something like ' In my previous work (xxx,2000) it was noted that....', it was observed that..., the conclusions were...' it is a difficult one, although it sounds really odd to put in your own research, I've put my previous stuff in just as if I was quoting anyone else, but than that seems to be the norm in education - have you had a look at anyone else's thesis in your field to see how that have tackled this question?

Clash of Supervision... how to sort it out?

Have you actually said to them that they are causing this problem? you perhaps need to arrange a three way meeting so that some of these issues can be sorted, I expect they both think that what they are doing is for the best, some peole think that it is their job to make sure that anything that might be lept upon by an examiner is corrected at once, others may let it go and see how things pan out closder to submission. suggest that you need some more constructive criticism, if you don't tell them, they won't know! Don't give up just because of this, try to work through it. You don't really want someone who will just agree with what you have written, but on the other hand, a bit of praise sometimes helps the process along.

I am a bit lost...please help

I would go for a masters first, it gives you a sound basis for working at a level that is different from that required for a degree.

How can I deal with this bad supervisor?

i have read the original post, and all the other replies you have made too, but I'm still not quite sure what is your exact problem, or why you appear to be so angry about everything, unless you are using it as some kind of escape mechanism. The world in your lab will not revolve around you and your needs, however much you might wish it to be so, that's life and happens everywhere. personal and private life do not necessarily mix well.

Although we sometimes moan about our supervisors, and a few are less than helpful, sometimes big time, at the end of the day they deserve a bit of respect and to call them useless and illogical without doing something positive about it solves nothing. If it is as bad as you say, go to their head and explain; in a calm way; why you think you need a change of supervisor. my not very useful second supervisor was moved to role of advisor, I didn't even have to ask for that, but if he had remained I would have treated him with the respect he deserves and got on with things.

I expect your situation is unique in your lab, so although something (like rules) may appear unique for you, it may just be that they are trying to do their best for you in the circumstances, to get you the Phd you want.

I don't know what to say about the use of your work, or how it is being taken away. It could be a pretty big accusation to make and if so would need a lot of evidence to back it up. I wouldn't go there myself (but then I wouldn't even think for a second that my supervisors would do such a thing, and I expect most people here would think the same.)

you need to calm down a bit and take a step back, are you sure you are not just putting the wrong interpretation on this? It is easy to do this when under a lot of stress, which given your circumstances would be quite normal I expect. PhDs are a lot of work, require a lot of time as do babies/young children both are equally demanding, and neither will take turns!

could you put your PhD on hold for a while to give yourself a complete break? It might be the best way forward.