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I bought an e reader for the same reason, to keep articles on it. Sad to say I haven't really had time to do much with it yet, but if you change the orientation of the screen it isn't hard to read articles. I hoped to use if for notes, highlighting bits etc. - and will do...just as soon as I get round to reading the manual properly and getting all the articles loaded up. All I need is another day in the week and I'll be able to do all the things I can't fit in :$

plan to quit. how to look for a job?

I agree you should try to get a masters out of it, also, you might consider your timing a bit - in the next few weeks/months there will be loads of straight out of university graduates, so competition will be even tougher than it may be in a month or so. you are, of course a third of the way through, so if you have any interest at all in your subject (and this might depend upon what your subject is of course) you could try to make the best of it maybe? However I was in this position once and I knew as soon as I got to the place and started the course it just wasn't for me, but I hung on for two years before I finally gave up and left, I regard it now as a complete waste of my time and I should have made the break earlier, it was an unmitigated failure, so I would be the last one to say you should do that! - luckily though I not only I found a job straight away I think if I hadn't I could have stayed at my summer job for longer - they had me back in the research labs three years in a row and promoted me every time, and had an open ended finish date every year. Finding a job might not be too easy, if you could fit in some voluntary work for a while that would be useful, how about seeing if you can do something for the new graduate intake in helping them to settle in, that might look good on your CV.  You may need to think about this as a slightly longer term goal, I would try to get something lined up before I quit, and in any case, if you go for the masters, you will still have to write it up, then you can say you have been doing the voluntary stuff, and writing up your masters at the same time, I don't expect they will ask you if it was a PhD that didn't work for you, how would they know? and if they don't ask, you probably don't need to mention it unless you want to.

can anyone translate this for me?

Wow! Thanks so much, I'm busy working on a chapter concerning the effect of neoliberalisation on education, and this will fit in really well. Thaks again.


can anyone translate this for me?

Its a big ask, but can anyone give me a rough translation of this? I've tried asking the computer to translate it, but it doesn't want to do it even though it said it could.

Ich möchte die Lust und Bewunderung unternehmerischen Erfolgs in den Augen der jungen Menschen sehen. Ich möchte den Stolz und den Zuspruch der Eltern spüren, wenn sich Sohn oder Tochter tatenvoll in das Abenteuer Selbständigkeit stürzen.
....so gut sein, wie wir nur können - getreu der bewährten Formel, die ich während meiner Zeit in Amerika verstehen gelernt habe: 'BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE'
Jost Stollmann


role theory

Thanks for the information. My thesis has taken a bit of a turn from when I started and is leading me into unknown territory in areas that never even appeared on the original horizon. I'm panicking a bit now as even though I'm only half way through there seems to be so many more areas I'm going to have to get to grips with that I think I'm going to run out of time!

I need some PhD style critical thinking to find...

Have you checked the box the camera came in? The pile of other chargers you have for mobile phones? Your very safe place where you put all important things so you know where they will be?/(that's the fatal one, you never remember the very safe place!:$ . Can you think back to when you last used it, you may just remember what you have done with it. Failing that, buy a new one, bet they are not too expensive- and when you have done that, the old one will miraculously reappear, somewhere you have probably looked at several times already :-)

role theory

Anyone know a good book on basic role theory? Not from a purely feminist point of view, although this may be important i want to explore the idea that it is something that has to be learned in order to fit into the workplace, and include the way this idea can be manipulated to aid compliance when the role is adjusted to suit the employer.

How do you know if you're in love?

We met middle of August, decided to get married after one week and we married on October 5th, as that was the first available date, otherwise it would have been sooner. So it does happen. It is different in an odd kind of way I guess. It stunned everyone as I was always off and running if I thought anyone was getting too serious. My advice is to go for it - and don't listen if others say it is too soon - it isn't :-)

Losing faith in my PhD on women & popular culture

I'm not working in your area, but I did have problems actually finding the focus of my research, which is perhaps part of your problem? I thought I knew where it was when I started, but the more I looked at it, the less it seemed I was looking in the right place, but I couldn't see where the right place was, it was all very difficult, knowing there was a reason for what is going on, but being unable to see why the obvious ones were just not hitting the mark. what I was writing fitted the bill as far as the original ideas about the problem, and my supervisors liked it, but still left me feeling I was on the wrong track.  Finally I found what I was looking for, funnily enough by reading 'doing a literature review' by Chris Hart. I wasn't the how to do the review that did it, it was the process he illustrated which, when I used it to try to sort out my material for my review suddenly revealed what (I hope) is the answer I was looking for, and it wasn't at all obvious. Now I'm off on a different track, which is flying in the face of conventional thinking but it is so much better now. Maybe what you need is to find your eureka moment?

I need a word....

if you use numerous, I would expect it to be more than half, but that may not be how you look at it, or how many would count as numerous in your field, is it a failry large proportion (could you list all the species, mark which ones are toxin producers, stick it in an appendix and tell doubters to go look at your list :-) )

After 3 years and 10 months...

congratulations and well done!!!!

I need a word....

How about a significant percentage?

Rant thread

I'd like to add a couple of rants or so -
after going awol for several months, my super now wants me to work at top speed to get things back by September
After saying one chapter was  more or less ready to go, they have come back with a load of things they want me to change/add etc. when I only sent them the copy they had approved so they could remember what I was doing
One of them insists of showing me a journal site that they can access every time we get together, but for some reason I can't open any of the articles as I appear not to have the right credentials to do so - it may be available only on campus, but on looking at the subscription list, this uni isn't there - and however many times I tell them so, they still keep saying I should get several of the articles to read
I have changed the emphasis of my thesis a bit so some of the stuff they want me to include as major content is now more of a peripheral area, but they are still pushing for it big time
apart from that though, things are progressing quite well really.... considering the amount of work I have to do and the short amount of time I have available at the moment
:$ :-)

The One Goal Thread

Have come to a bit of a halt for today now - but couldn't resist replying, I had a quick glance at the title - and htought it said 'the one goat thread' :$, oh dear ! too much computing today I think :-)

Seriously?!! Education qualifications since age 11?!!

I once started to fill in an application form which stated in its introduction that the post required beyond A level qualifications, only to find, about halfway through, that they wanted me to obtain confirmation from ' a suitably qualified person' that I could write an essay. how do they think I got my Fellowship then? by drawing pictures??? I decided not to bother with that one :-)