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How to economise

To start with, I'm going to start bathing in the mornings so I can heat the water before 7am (off peak, I think). Same goes for using the washing machine.

I've drawn up a monthy budget in Excel and will try to record all outgoings, especially on the little things like coffee and muffins.

Finally, I'm trying at last to clear my credit card debt, cos that's costing me loads in interest each month too.

(curses on fat cat shareholders driivng my bloody bills up)

How to economise

On another thread, there hs been some discussion about the cost of living in the UK. In the last few months I've personally noticed costs getting higher (especially that darn gas bill). Now Severn bloody Trent want loads off me too. So, I'm in economising mode.
If anyone has tips, please do share them.

Any tips for better motivation?

Yes, I agree: the town may depend on tourism, but there need to be facilities for people that live there too. And I think even the tourism is fading: it's now cheaper to fly to Spain than it is to get the train to Blackpool, so the town could do with finding another source of income.

Any tips for better motivation?

Hey Golfpro, never knew you lived in Blackpool. I lived in Fleetwood till I was 22 so know the place well. Used to go to Jenks every weekend.

Course, telling people you're from Fleetwood means endless assumptions about how many kids you must have had by the age of 15.

I think the Fylde does have a problem with lack of aspirations for young people. No university, no industry, very little in the way of museums/art galleries. There doesn't seem to be much to look forward to, which I think is part of the reason for the high teenage pregnancy rate.

Places to stay in London- help!

The Christian guest house:

Not actually in King's Cross as it turns out, but the tube will get you there easily enough.

Places to stay in London- help!

I stay in the Hotel Euro nearby, about 80quid a night.

My friend stays in a Christian lodgings near Kings Cross: although she's Christian, apparantly it's not compulsory and it's 30quid a night with breakfast. I'll get the name later.

Boundaries - Staff / Students

Of course it isn't offensive; it's a compliment. Go ahead!

You're in classic "will she, won't she like me?" mode at the minute. We've all been there; exiting and nervewracking at the same time.

Socialising with students - how informal do you go?

It's a sad situation, but like someone said, it's probbaly all about litigation. I don't think that the lecturer/undergrad relationship should be seen as the same as the teacher/pupil one.

I wonder if parents (who may be paying the fees) are behind this -infantilising their adult offspring. My supervisor has had parents of 25 year old students march into his office and demand school-style behaviour and grade reports every term. Sad!

Is there life after 40 as a women with a PHD?

I don't think 40 is the big thing that it used to be.

Though maybe I'm just saying that cos I'm already into my 30s

Boundaries - Staff / Students

I agree...not that there's much action round here.

Using 'stimulants' to help you work

I get a stinker of a headache if I don't drink coffee for more than 48 hours.

But I used to use ProPlus tablets as an undergrad, and had no trouble when I stopped taking them.

More worried about the amount of cakes I'm eating at the moment...

Yeeeeaaaa I passed my viva! - so how did it go?

The Apprentice Last Night

The candidates seem to get less likable each year.

Eurovision!!! Come on people - I know you watched it too!!!

What do you think of the claims of "political voting"?

I don't really believe that all those millions of Europeans - most of whom are kalighed anyway - are really thinking about politics when they vote for a song. I think we came last cos we were crap.

Boundaries - Staff / Students

I know plenty of people who married a one-time lecturer or boss or staff member. Bear in mind that many postgrad students are in their 30s or older: i.e. the same age as many staff members. It's not as if we're talking about schoolkids.