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names, marriage and phd?

Oops, somehow missed your earlier post, Pea. I've read it now though.

Although again, not intending to judge anyone's personal choice, to me there is something in taking on a man's name that implies deferral to the man. My own family name is very boring, but I don't see the need to take on "his" family name when I have a name already.

Mind you if I was called Belcher or Trollope I might think differently (apologies to any forumites who may have these names).

names, marriage and phd?

Thanks for your responses; I wasn't intending to criticise people for changing their name; I was just suprised that no-one seemed to be remembering that it is optional.

I quite like the Spanish system of taking on both names, myself.

Kronkodile: it's a guilty secret that Viz did make me laugh quite a lot . Especially Mr Logic; I know more than one academic who talks like that.

For those who've graduated....

My Bachelors gave all the details (including that annoying 2:2 in big type). And the PhD ones I've seem give the area of research (e.g. Natural Products Research), though not the actual thesis title.

double trouble? funding happiness twofold!

So it's now "Stockholm here we come!", I take it? For a double celebration?

names, marriage and phd?

At the risk of coming across like Milli Tant from Viz...isn't anyone planning on keeping their own name after marriage?

viva disaster - gutted by unfair examiner

First of all - major corrections is a still a pass, so congratulations .

As for the external - if you go to 4 years at one uni I know, you fail automatically. So I wonder where she is getting her (incorrect) information from - she should have been challenged on this.

But you passed, and that's the important thing.

i hate it when people tell me what to do!

Yes, he's trying to "obligate" you. Don't give him the opportunity.

i hate it when people tell me what to do!

Ooh, could be

i hate it when people tell me what to do!

Actually, I can understand why Jojo would be miffed. Sometimes this behaviour may be well-intented, but often it is more about making the "helper" feel good. I've experienced people making a huge noise about how helpful they are to others, but it can be intrusive.

Getting Married next year!

Aww, that's nice to hear. Congratulations!

No practical advice to give; I always fancied Mexico meself though.

what to do.. vindictive collegue

Is this a small room (i.e. are you usually alone in there?) or are there other people who could perhaps be witnesses for you?

If you are not messy in other places where you work, then you are unlikely to be messy in this area: I would make that point. It does sound like her word against yours, and that should not be acceptable: everyone knows that people are sometimes vindictive. The onus is on her to prove that you are the problem (which she won't be able to do, of course).

what to do.. vindictive collegue

Kronkodile's exactly right. I just wanted to query how official this "meeting" is: who are they having the meeting with?

what to do.. vindictive collegue

I sympathise: it always seems like the real b*tches are really good at getting those in authority to believe them.

My advice would be to instigate - as an SOP - a system of signing a book or diary at the end of the day, stating that the machine has been switched off and cleaned up. Get a sup or technician to countersign. This is good lab practise anyway. Make a point of asking everyone to partake, that way a) it doesn't seem personal, and b) it makes a point that you are hardly likely to be making a big mess, if you are the one instigating an SOP for maintenance and cleaning.

You are allowed to do this; I've done it for maintenance of a mass spec.

Wedding same year as finish PhD

Yes, you could have a small do now and then a huge anniversary celebration after your PhD (or do the small legal ceremony now, but if you are religious, have the blessing after your PhD and make that a big celebration).

Anyone see Richard Dawkins last night?

True: and you certainly can't test for the existence of a God (although you can easily test astrology and similar claims).

I'm just glad that a program like this is being made, though - the stuff in it may be harmless (or not), but most of the time it is broadcast or published unchallenged and one-sided. It's nice to see at least a small percentage of airtime going to a contrasting (rational) view.