Overview of juno

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Where are these people?

Hey, welcome back
What have you been doing?

How do you change your username?

What made you choose the username that you did?

For me it was the first thing that came into my head that wasn't my real name. I now associate Juno with myself, but at a meeting a few months ago I was introduced to a girl who really was called Juno, which suprised me rather.

If you weren't doing this, what would you be doing?

Sounds idyllic. I think of myself as more of a suburbanite, though.

I would come and visit for a weekend if that's OK

If you weren't doing this, what would you be doing?

I mean in the long term (not "If I wasn't wasting time on the internet, I'd be doing my work). If you weren't training to be a scientist/linguist/historian and so forth, what else could you imagine yourself doing?

I'd probably try to do something involving writing and language - maybe write textbooks or something.

can you guys have a debate for me please?!!?

IMHO, there are many things that make a good (or bad) teacher - but I'd say excitement about your subject ranks probably at the top of the list, not whether or not you ahve a PhD. Of course, you may already have got a PhD because you were so excited about your subject

Transfer Reports size

That's odd. Where I am we have regulations as to the size of the report. I think that makes it easier; otherwise you would probably not know when to stop. I'm finding it very helpful to read transfer reports from previous students.

Transfer Reports size

Ahem. "I'm not sure how that translates into pages".

Transfer Reports size

Mine has to be between 5000 and 10,000 words - not sure how that translates into pages though.

Good luck with the viva Brian!

He he...good for him.

Patrick Moore is the man, isn't he? Try this link - very very funny (needs sound though):


Did you get onto a postgrad programme with a lower class degree than normally required?

I know...that must be annoying. Just as my cousins who are at school now come out with 14 A*s (or thereabouts) - in my day (yawn) you could only take a max of 8 GCSEs, but now they've all been split into subcategories.

I was just making the point that once someone has obtained a PhD and/or other achievements that demonstrate high ability, it is perhaps a little harsh to continue to forever judge that someone on their undergraduate grade.

Did you get onto a postgrad programme with a lower class degree than normally required?

Agree with everyone's points, on the whole - it really isn't fair the way different institutes at different times calculate results.

But as someone with a 2.2 (which I'm not proud of) I think you are not taking into account that people can better themselves later in life. I was an admittedly lazy (ish) undergrad with poor organization, but I would like to think that I've learned my lesson through several years in industry and three years of freelance publishing, including winning two science writing awards. Not trying to show off here, but just asking you to not sneer at someone who got a poor result once in their life - people sometimes deserve a second chance.

(getting off my soapbox now )

Did you get onto a postgrad programme with a lower class degree than normally required?

No problem.

I'm sure there are others on here too - won't mention usernames in case they don't want to get involved, but if you hang around they may log on

I just don't get my supervisor

Good one, 404!

Do you make smileys to order?

The "Ray of Sunshine" thread

To counteract the Room 101 thread, thought I'd start a thread about things that make you laugh or smile. So, what makes you all happy?

Today, for me, it was that story about the seagull thief:


I just don't get my supervisor

I snapped at a friend last week cos I had toothache...no excuse and I apologised half an hour later. It was probably just something similar with your supervisor.