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Happy Friday everyone!

I've got lunch with industrial supervisor and acadmeic supervisor (CASE studentship) today, I'm meant to know what I want to do and I have no idea! Weekend = lots of fun as I have no homework :)

Morning tea/ coffee/ coke?

Today I had a cappucino and muesli from Monmouth Coffee at Borough Market because it's my boyfriend's birthday. It was great!

Happy Friday everyone!

I am so glad it's Friday, this first weekof PhDing has been tough on my little brain!

What do people do to stop themselves piling on the pounds?

I'm on the 6th floor and there is no lift, and there is nothiing else on my floor other than my office so I have to go all the way down to see my supe, go to the toilet etc. Think I walked up and down them 10 times yesterday! And also I've got no friends yet so no long lunches.

My first day as PhD student...

My first two days have been strange so far, just been reading some stuff and getting lost a lot! I'm plucking up the courage to ask my supe about whats expected of me in terms of hours.

Biological Science PhDers

I've just started my PhD and I'm having a chat with my indusrial and academic supervisor on Friday about what I'd like to do and if theres anything I don't want to do. I'm trying to research the techniques used in my area and wondered if anyone has any advice on behavioural testing on mice. I've done a bit on rats before and that seemed fine but when I did my home office course I had to pick up a mouse and they seemed a bit nastier. Has anyone had any problems or is it just a case of getting used to it?! Thanks

Brainiacs volunteer ?

I can probably get anyone in, my friend works for Sky, filming is in London on Thursdays

Brainiacs volunteer ?

I have the chance to appear on brainiacs, would this ruin my reputation as a credible scientist?!

DVD Box sets will see you through!

One series not to get into...Charmed. I can feel it rotting my brain yet I have to keep watching to see if the Angel of Destiny will bring Leo back (don't ask!) I really need to stop watching daytime TV

Things we miss...

Yeah that does sound a bit special school. Well at least it wasn't a sticker!

Things we miss...

I like getting certificates for things, makes me feel special Although the year after I left school they started giving the kids mountain bikes instead.

Alton Towers any good?

That's still a long drive! be careful on that runaway train.

Things we miss...

i was thinking about blue smarties the other day, I may have just dreamt this but did they have white chocolate in them at one point?

Commuting to Uni

My uni and my house are in the same city, but that city being London I'm going to have to commute for about 45 minutes to get there. I was working in Essex for 6 months and I commuted for 2 hours to get there and it actually wasn't as bad as you might think, you get used to it but 2 hours is too much. I reckon any commute under an hour would be fine.

Nerves at startinga PhD

I'm suddenly very nervous and having a bit of a confidence crisis, just got all my marks back from BSc degree and don't feel intelligent enough to be able to complete a PhD! Feel like tim nice but dim!