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how good is york?

York Minister is huge!!! A fantastic place to visit.

Journal Article Request

Hi folks, could someone please help me out by getting this article:

McCombs & Shaw (1993) 'The Evolution of Agenda-Setting Research: Twenty-Five Years in the Marketplace of Ideas' Journal of Communication 43(2) pp. 58-67


Journal Article Requests

OK, thanks for the heads up, I'll look into it

Journal Article Requests

Hi folks,
I was wondering if anyone could possible get a couple of articles for me?

Clarke & Stewart (1998) 'The decline of parties in the minds of citizens' Annual Review of Political Science, 1 pp.357-358

McDonald & Howell (1982) 'Reconsidering the conceptualization of party identification' Political Methodology, 8, pp.73-91

Thanks (tree)

supervisor find

Brilliant! (up):-)

First conference paper - impostor alert!

Hopefully this will put a smile on your face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icb_tRTnA4g

Methodology texts

Have a look at Glaser & Strauss (1968) 'The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research'. In terms of epistemology, a look at any generic philosophy of social science book would be useful, but I recommend Benton & Craib (2001) 'Philosophy of Social Science'. If you want to go into more detail, try Peter Winch (1958 + others) classic 'The idea of a social science and its relation to philosophy'

Getting feedback from Sup

My supervisor is difficult to track down, so I just keep sending emails until he replies with a date for a meeting. They are there to help (within reason) and so you should be allowed to get hacked off.

Article request

Found! PM me your email address


Article request

I can access the journal, but only until 2009. Are you sure this edition has been released?

Beating PhD blues..

I find that when you feel like you do, you have to go and do things that your PhD normally prevents you doing, i.e. going out on a drunken adventure with friends etc. You feel free when you do these things and thus your morale gets a boost which will make you a better PhD'er in the long run.

Getting distance

Got up this morning and went back to work and it felt much better. I think what had happened was that I had read to the point that I couldn't do anything anymore and needed to allow my brain to absorb it properly. Now I'm seeing clearly again so onwards and upwards!!!

Getting distance

7 weeks in and, pretty much, 7 weeks work. It's fine though, I'm feeling much better after a couple of days off. I will go back and do some planning later today and write more tonight.

Getting distance

Hi folks,
Been working away on my PhD now for 7 weeks and it has gone well so far. However, in the last few days I just got sick of it and decided to put it away for a few days. I also went and bought Goldeneye for the Wii in order to do something mindless yet fun (I would go outside but the weather isn't that great here).

Is this a normal thing to feel every now and again?

£112 million - what would you do?

Wouldn't know what to do with all that. I would see all my close friends and relatives alright, keep a few million for myself and give the rest away to charity. I would never want to have a huge amount of money, all I would want is a decent house with a basement containing a nice drum kit, instruments and amps