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:( Why do people behave like this?

as Dale Carnegie would explain, people no matter great or small, always want to feel as if THEY Are important. thats what it boils down to. he just wanted to show the speaker he's the expert and to show him up. quite rude and far from gracious. people just want to be important.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

hellooo tractorgirl! i will be joining you aswell! i got loads to do today!!

my aims: i thought i would break them down then it might seem less daunting.

1. R cluster analysis patients 1-16 (most of the analysis done from last yeah - make an appendix)

2. global R cluster analysis

3. theory behind maximum parsimony tree analysis

4. penny trees of patients 1-16 (most of them done from before)

5. results section; describe R cluster results: some examples in main text

6. results section; describe penny trees: some examples in main text

7. compare results from cluster and penny.

Jojo's Writing Up Diary - The Race for the First Draft

woohoo that's great news Jojo! well done for proving to them you can do a phd!!

Lost and all alone...............

well you're not alone - i have to submit my thesis without my supervisor checking my thesis. he's basically told me he's too busy - and i'm responsible for my thesis, plus he will be away at a conference. oh well. i will just do my best and hope the examiners give me a 2nd chance if my thesis is not up to scratch.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

hey celesmai and tractorgirl!
thanks for the messages

concert was brilliant!!

but i've been very naughty past two days not done anything on my thesis. ooooooooooooooops

i hope tommorow i will be all productive

tractorgirl = i hear ya! i also have been emotional and down...you're definately not alone in feeling the way you feel.

and i know i can't believe another week just zoomed by, feel like i hardly got anything done!

oh well onwards and upwards as they say. don't look back, just look at what you need to do day by day. but yah beginning to panic as getting very close to the 2 month mark now eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek feel like there's so much to do and so little time. but i guess all we can do is as much as possible and hope for the best! lol and then study like mad for the viva

The nocturnal workers' thread

i'm joining in late on this noctornal thread, i haven't done anything all day, so i figured i will do *something* before heading off to bed.

The nocturnal workers' thread

Hey Walminskipeasucker,

no need to apolagise :) i forgot i asked aswell hehe.

your message below cracked me up!!
i love that image..
[Registered User]
24 July 2008 23:23 Choo choo! All aboard the nocturnal workers' express! Who'll be joining me tonight as I travel along the route of late night, lonely work?

What is a VIVA?

it's an oral examination after you submit your thesis, where you have to defend your thesis and your phd work and demonstrate you have a good understanding of your thesis and the fundamentals, it's an intellectual academic conversation with your examiners.


Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

*clocking out*

finally finished aim 1 - been working on it for the past week! reading articles and making notes on cluster analysis. went through like 15 pages worth of google pages. i think i got abit obsessive and carried away!!! will be more strict next time on my aims, and not spend too much time on one aspect. time is ticking by!

total productive time = 4 hours and 15 minutes (tracked using the egg timer website)
total words verbatim notes on cluster analysis: 5900 words.

I wont be online tommorow, taking half a day off in the evening - going to the michael buble concert with some friends , hence why i pushed myself to get aim 1 done today. but am spending half of the day tommorow at the library though, just xeroxing references, nothing too taxing.

have a great day ya'll

me sleepy, me off to bed.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

celesmai well done!
TG - i can totally relate with unrealistic goals! i do the same. as long as you do something on your thesis, that's what counts so well done on starting chapter 6 you'll get there! one day at a time

Writing level for Ph.D

yes you are worrying about something that is very difficult to "quantitate". i wouldn't even think in terms of percentages in the "level" of writing.

read some books on how to write a phd thesis, it might help to clarify what is expected from a thesis. the content, the originality, the understanding etc.

and i agree 80% is EXCELLENT! you really don't have anything to worry about.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Thanks tractorgirl! you're posts always cheer me up and encourage me! you are like sunshine breaking through on a rainy cloudy day

good luck celesmai, that's good you had a good night sleep.

my aims:

1. finish reading articles on R cluster analysis.
2. R cluster analysis on patients 1-16.

unispired and unfocussed final writing up stage?

i think i might be a night owl by nature! and you're welcome

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Thanks tractorgirl for saying that you find my posts encouarging. it's nice to have you in the same boat as me! see you tommorow! i mean later on today.

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

you can tell i am tired, my grammer is atrocious!