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The One Goal Thread


It's my last day today for two weeks, yipee! But! I need to make sure I get everything done today so I won't wake up in the middle of the night panicking whilst I'm away! (hopefully!)

Goal 1: Re-read chapter to check for any spelling errors, punctuation etc
Goal 2: Email to sups

That will do for now. I'm not sure whether I should start looking at editing another chapter now or leave it until I get back, as realistically I'm not going to get much done today and I'm worried if I start editing it then I'll get confused when I come back in two weeks. I might make some minor amendments to it right now, just to get the ball rolling so to speak. I have been thinking about it a lot, and how I might change it, but I still don't really know where I'm going to go with it. I need a bit more head scratching time!

Hope everyone is well today!

The One Goal Thread

Ah that's good news Button, there are massive benefits to having a solicitor in the family aren't there! That is really annoying of Sky to not change your number! Grr to them!

I've had supervision today which has filled my head full of noise so I'm having some quiet time this afternoon to think and make sense of everything. Sometimes I feel more confused after having supervision than I did before! I'm really pleased to be having 2 weeks off now though, I really need it. My sup was like, "oh I'm sure you'll think about it whilst you're away"! As if I'm going to be thinking about my thesis whilst I'm on honeymoon! Honestly! ;-)

Sounds like a lot of progress has been made today, both workwise and personally! (up)

The One Goal Thread

That is annoying! I never answer my house phon during the day because of those calls, it really irritates me how companies sell your telephone number to these sorts of people! If someone wants to get hold of me I figure they'll call my mobile phone which I hardly ever give out to anyone because I hate these calls so much!

Can you ring Sky and ask them to change your number to a new one? Annoying I know, but at least it would stop them calling you?

The One Goal Thread

Good luck with it today Batfink, and hope you're having a good day Button. I've managed to get somewhere, eventually, so Goal 1 is now complete, thank goodness!

Almost there

Good luck with your viva dalmation, and you too smoobles! I think we have to stop and stand still sometimes, otherwise we lose sight of the big picture. I am feeling no guilt about having 2 weeks off starting from Monday!

Please someone say something..anything to help me

Sounds like you're making great progress Heidi. Escaping into your PhD is sometimes a great way to keep yourself occupied when you've got a lot on your mind. Make sure you take some time for you as well though. It's great that you're going for lunch with a neighbour. Keep going, you'll get there (up)

The One Goal Thread

Well done Button! I'm making dismal progress this morning! I've written the summary part of my introduction, so that's something...!

The One Goal Thread


Sounds like a plan Button! I love having days where I have nothing else booked except getting on with my work, haven't had one for a while now!

And yes it does seem like I'm ahead of the game Batfink, but my sups worry a lot about my writing, so I'm pushing to get a full draft ready before summer to allow plenty of time for the inevitable corrections that I will need to make :-( I really can't afford to go beyond the three years so it's critical that I get it done. I would love to submit early if possible but somehow, based on the amount of corrections I am ususally expected to do, I don't see that happening...! Having said that, if we can get it somewhere near correction free before submission then hopefully it'll save any extra work afterwards! I'd rather that I guess then end up with R&R which I have to say is my personal nightmare (especially after reading the posts of some of the R&R students here, I do feel for them).

Anyway, goals for today are:

Goal 1: Work on introduction chapter
Goal 2: Work on context chapter

That's about it for today, that will keep me busy!

The One Goal Thread

I think I might have cracked the referencing situation now thankfully! I'm going to have some lunch then head over to the library this afternoon, so have a good afternoon (up)

Harvard referencing and policy documents

Thank you, oh I hate this part of the job!

Harvard referencing and policy documents

Thanks Ady, I'm struggling to find numbers for some of the documents but I'll keep looking!

The One Goal Thread

hehe don't worry, I'm struggling this morning because I hate doing referencing so much! You're doing really well, I wanted to get my data collection done asap but due to various reasons I ended up doing it smack bang in the middle! I'm doing ok in terms of timetable, my funding runs out in January 2013 but I want to get a job before I submit, anything really, so I don't have a countdown at the end, it'll drive me nuts!

The One Goal Thread

Oh dear Button! I had a few glasses of wine last
night and forgot I'd left a glass in the front room on a radiator which is
underneath a curtain (why?!) and promptly knocked it off this morning when I
opened the curtain! D'oh! I'm fed up with my references now, and the unhelpful
guidelines so I'm going to email someone at uni and then spend today looking at
my introduction and context chapters again! Just out of curiosity, and I'm sure
we've talked about this before but I can't remember, whereabouts are you in your
programme? I'm in my third year (how did that happen?!) aiming to submit in

Harvard referencing and policy documents

Hi all,

I just wanted to pick your brains about this because I'm not totally sure what I should be doing! Is the correct Harvard format for policy documents this:

HM Goverment (2008) Adult Social Care Workforce strategy: Interim Statement [green/white paper]
Cabinet Office, 22 Whitehall, London SW1A 2WH

or this:

Department of Health (2008) Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy:Interim Statement [green/white paper] London: Stationery Office (Cm 009821)

Sorry about any issues with format, I've copied and pasted from word! The reference guidelines from the uni aren't clear about which one is correct and very unhelpfully include both in the guidelines!

I passed my viva! :)

Congratualtions! Enjoy celebrating! (up)