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Kindle for reading papers

Quote From waddett:

I like my fav papers in paper/real form as I can doodle all over in lots of colours where the colours either link themes or follow through some process in the paper.

I'm the same; I know Kindles have a note function, but I find it much easier to have all my readings physically organized in binders and with written notes on them. This way I can consult them in several years and not need to worry about misplacing and organizing everything virtually.

I agree it must be handy to be able to consult all your papers anywhere, when you are on the go. However, I always carry a paper or two with me for making the most of a few spare minutes.

How to check if my research topic is unique

Unfortunately, there is no easy way of checking. That is the nature of research; you have to go through all the relevant material and determine if your idea has been done and if so can you still add to that topic. Also, it is possible that your project has not been published as a PhD thesis yet, but that someone is currently working on it and will finish before you. Depending on your field, you would then have to rework your material so that it remained a considerable contribution.

I'm sorry that you have resource constraints, but I imagine it would be very difficult to do in depth research if you can't access relevant journals? Or do you mean you will have access provided you begin a PhD? At this point I would go with your project and if it turns out later that someone has done it you can amend your proposal. Good luck :)

help in application

======= Date Modified 04 Nov 2011 10:59:02 =======
======= Date Modified 04 Nov 2011 10:58:44 =======
Your proposal should be quite specific. You will need to identify a specific area for your research, even though they may later suggest you amend it. Here is a good brief summary I found http://www.lums.lancs.ac.uk/phd/PhDproposal/
I can't remember the specific books I used, but if you do a search on amazon for phd or research guides I'm sure you will be in luck. :)

Normally a proposal should be between 1500 and 2000 words and will include the following:

A working title of the topic area:

This should do more than convey the key words associated with the proposed research.

General overview of area:

This should take the form of a brief abstract of the general area of study and identify the discipline(s) within which it falls. You might also refer to the way in which your own background gives you competences in your chosen area.

Identification of the relevant literature:

In this section you should develop your proposal to demonstrate that you are aware of the debates and issues raised in relevant bodies of literature. References to key articles and texts should be made to show that you appreciate their relevance to your research area. A PhD is an original piece of research and so you should demonstrate that your proposed area has not been studied before. So you need to identify your niche which will lead on to the thesis preparation.

Key research questions:

Since you need to demonstrate that the topic can be completed within the normal time period allowed, you need to demonstrate that it is manageable, and so focus on key questions within your niche area.


You need to demonstrate an awareness of the methodological tools available to you and show some understanding of which would be suitable for your research. It may be that qualitative methods, including the analysis of interviews, is appropriate. Alternatively your approach may involve forecasting or statistical, financial or econometric modelling. In other cases you may be combining methodologies. You need to specify the approach you feel will be most appropriate.

Timescale/research planning:

You need to demonstrate an awareness of the need for planning and the timescale of the research.


You should include a short list of references to key articles and texts included in the application.


Broad topic areas which would be unmanageable as PhD topics
Vague descriptions of research areas
Subject areas where [the university] has no expertise.

Funding for short period of study in USA

Has the Fullbright deadline passed? That is the only other one that comes to mind. Good luck and congrats on being offered that by Yale! (up)

Anyone else intimidated by very high achievers?

======= Date Modified 03 Nov 2011 17:54:04 =======

Quote From DanB:

I have met several of the people that Cornflower describes. In each case the root cause was the same - pushy parents. So no, I don't feel intimidated at all.

At the risk of sounding arrogant and alienating myself, I tend to be described as one of these 'very high achievers' and I can assure you I don't have pushy parents. Due to family circumstances, neither of mine could even go to university and they don't really understand why I want an academic career. Despite this, they have always been very supportive and, unlike a lot of my friends, I was never forced to study or even asked about my grades. My motivation to achieve has always been internal, so I don't think it's possible to generalize the cause.

Another article request!

I accessed it if you want to post your email. :-)

Publication access?

I tried via my library, but we only have access from 1997 on and the article was 1995. Sorry!

help in application

======= Date Modified 26 Oct 2011 19:10:54 =======
Hi Canonly,

I think that applications are quite specific and since you haven't mentioned what area you're researching (science, social science, arts?) it's difficult to give you useful advice.

You will need to do a lot of reading obviously, in order create a good proposal of your research interests that acknowledges what has already been researched and published. There are lots of good guidebooks for PhD candidates that dedicate chapters to applications. You should try get your hands on one of them as I found them very useful.

molehills and mountains

I know it's tough, but try not to become paralyzed by doing rewrites. Instead, consider it an achievement that you have read enough to write the first draft of your literature review. Also remember that creating multiple drafts of work is the norm. Supervisors don't expect things to be perfect; the main thing is that you are building on what you know and the advice your supervisor gives you. It's not necessarily about becoming ''anymore intelligent'', but about developing your skills.

Like Cindrella already noted, people progress at different stages, so comparing yourself to other candidates isn't necessarily productive - even if it is a natural instinct. Try to remind yourself that lots of people go through this and that you will get over that mountain in time! :)

please answer my poll

I think italics would work well. Or, you could go all out and have bold italics!

reference from supervisor

======= Date Modified 21 Oct 2011 17:15:05 =======
I agree with Laney. I think that if you are sensitive to your supervisor's initial disappointment and make it clear that he is in no way a factor in your decision to leave, then he will probably oblige you with a reference. I wouldn't mention the reference at the time when you break the news though.

Also, I would be aware that even if he agrees to act as a reference, any disappointment he may feel could manifest in letters/phonecalls he does on your behalf. I have done phone reference interviews with two academics who had students leave after a year or so, and while they may have thought highly of the students abilities, some of their answers to questions brought up the negative aspects of their leaving.

I'm happy doing my PhD

Great post, Cornflower. You've raised an important point about the value of learning to cope with research-based emotions and stress. Since universities tend to be highly political and complex work environments, a career in academia will likely entail plenty of frustration and stress about things beyond (not to mention within) your own control. I think coming to terms with that is a crucial part of understanding higher education!

I'm glad you've found that aspect of the research easier to deal with over time. :-)

PhD???? Listen to me...Musings from the other side.

I look forward to hearing it! The same goes to all the other Doctors out there. Share your wisdom with the eager masses. (gift)

Employment prospects for a PhD

Ah, thanks Delta!

Have you heard about Dr. Karen Kelsy, who is now privately offering lots of employment/support related services to PhDs who are unhappy with their level of supervision...

I found this piece she wrote very interesting:

This is her the professional website:

It's unfortunate that there is a market for this, but I feel so many academics are under so much pressure themselves that they are unable to provide the kind of support they might like to offer their students.

I am fortunate, in that I think my supervisor is concerned about most aspects of my future. Although when she asked me at our first meeting what my plans were for ''the bigger picture'', I didn't want to come across as naive and say I wanted to lecture!

This made me giggle...

======= Date Modified 15 Oct 2011 14:26:21 =======

Quote From Skig:

======= Date Modified 15 Oct 2011 08:48:59 =======
2) (the most likely option) I'm so stressed that she doesn't want me around! Lol

I hear that! I find that no matter how much I'm looking forward to meeting a relative for a lunch break, the mere presence of a human being causes me to accidentally vent all my nervous energy at once. Even when I'm aware it's happening, I sometimes find it hard to reign it back in. :$

But yes, hopefully your mom just knows a thing or two about rewards-based motivation!