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not getting on with supervisor

Awh...wich she was critisicing my work (well kind off... having said that, I'm handing in my first chunk this week!!!) It is more communication issues,and her not being courteous, understanding, diplomatic, open to discussion...she basically decided to press reply, not reply all to an email that my 2nd supervisor sent- regarding sth to do with me (obviously)...the rest is history!

not getting on with supervisor

Such useful words..cant't really change her, she is the onle 'expert' in the field in the dpt...i like the idea of laughing it off, or 'blocking it'. I think you are right, get on with it, after all, what I want is a Phd, not a bestfriend!

not getting on with supervisor

I'm new to the forum, and kind of new to my phd (6 months on)...I have been noticing that my supervisor and I are quite different characters (she is very ambitious and career minded, i just want to do my research then see what happens...), with different outlooks relationships (she likes networking, i like meeting people). We get on on some levels, but i have come to realise that she talks and talks about what she thinks i should do, and hardly ever asks. I have not been very assertive. Anyways, today i had an email back from her which was a complete overaction ...no tact whatsoever. Sometimes I feel she treats me like I'm one of her children and that email completely showed it...Aaaargh. This is really bringing me down...2 and half years left! how can i survive? anyone had a bad experience with a supervisor which then got better?!!!