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2nd Year Accountability thread

Actually got lots done last night! Meeting went well, was very long though. Filled with new things to do for next week! So my goals for the week are:
* Read documentation
* Learn how to use new program
* Use program to investigate problem
* Read paper on extended problem
* Read paper on related problem
* Finish reading old papers
If time, investigate extended problem using program and write up investigations for meeting.
Hold me accountable!

2nd Year Accountability thread

eep! Today has been a write off so far. Going to take a break and try hit it again later. Have a meeting with sup tomorrow and very little prepared. will update if i get anything done tonight.

2nd Year Accountability thread

So hard to get good work done when it's so sunny outside. Not helped by home being a dark hole. Still got plenty of reading done today. Aiming for something more active tomorrow. I'd like to gather together some ideas on two topics of interest and prepare to meet my supervisor with the dead end I found. That should be enough to keep me well busy. :-)

Anyone else bored of their thesis?

I think that when you can see the finish line so close ahead of you it is hard to concentrate on the now and what you are doing. Some days it feels so close it's distracting, other days it feels depressingly far away. Also with a thesis, by the time you get to writing up you have spent so long with your topic that you know it inside out and can't wait to follow new avenues and thoughts. Staying with something you've fully investigated can be difficult. Not to mention the pressure and long-term fatigue that have built up. Be especially careful to take time out and look after your health on a regular basis.

Hoping you get to make the best of your opportunity to shine.

Also, try remember what you found interesting about the subject in the beginning, your work will help others feel this - what an exciting thought!

2nd Year Accountability thread

super for you florence!! don't think I've written a thousand words yet.

kind of came to a halt on what I was working on and I'm waiting to meet my supervisor for help getting a new direction/purpose or at least some more work to do. Spent yesterday turbo-cleaning and getting billions of chores done. So today I've lots less other things on my mind. If only I could have some real thoughts! Will probably just read some papers and abstracts for the next few days looking for inspiration.

2nd Year Accountability thread

Excellent to have you sneaks :) I'm the same with the marriage, moving house etc.
pacifying the supervisor is always a tricky business, not been doing so well lately. makes for lots of stress.
especially when I get almost nothing done for an entire day: 2 hours sleep isn;t conducive to inventing a new generalised solution to a new problem.

eep! :-(

Finished!! It can be done!

Congratulations! Well done. I hope you are immensely proud of yourself. Thanks for the excellent advice. 2nd year seems to be a hard time so being told to stick with it really helps! Best of luck with your future.

2nd Year Accountability thread

Actually worked reasonably effectively today so I'm happy :-) Though the problem I'm working on doesn't seem to have a solution, or rather I've yet to invent a work around that generalises. I can get to that tomorrow I suppose. Dinner is more important and that means going home. Hoping tomorrow goes as well but I've to do some admin which could steal all my time.

2nd Year Accountability thread

Hope things are going better for you now florence. My presentation was a disaster because I was too tired from working so hard all week. Sleepiness and tough technical grilling do not go well together. Last week had two conferences to go to and was so tired everything else was a write-off. Have plenty of work to get done this week so I'll rely on you all to hold me accountable. Starting with my first 30 min bite!

2nd Year Accountability thread

======= Date Modified 14 May 2009 21:09:55 =======
Finally finished the 2nd chapter! sneaking home now. Have 17 pages of notes but no presentation. Will look over tonight and decide which bits to write on board tomorrow before the time. Will let you know how it goes! Wish me luck :p

2nd Year Accountability thread

Oooh excellent! Wish I had data collection to do, best of luck with it!

Did actually finish the chapter before going home and came in to find my presentation is delayed til tomorrow - hooray! :-)
Though will still have to read and understand the other chapter and write my presentation today... Eeeep!

2nd Year Accountability thread

Keep falling asleep on the book. Going to head home. almost finished the first chapter. best be up early to finish the rest ! :-(

I've got shingles!

My friend found aloe vera very helpful for the sore bits. Hope you feel better soon and take it easy!

VIVA - Presence of supervisors?

In the past my sup has helped me out a little too much when in seminars when I was perfectly able to explain myself. It can make it look like you need the help when you don't. Hence my 'no' vote for my sup. But each sup is different: my MSc sup was like a stone statue during my defence, didn't so much as nod or blink! Which was almost equally nerve-racking.....

2nd Year Accountability thread

Ok so I've thirty minutes of reading done so far today but I actually got quite far with that time. If I could only manage to keep reading consistently I'd actually manage to finish the chapters today! Will post later to update.