Overview of olivia

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Four letter word--change a letter


Four letter word--change a letter


Five letter word--change a letter


Five letter word--change a letter


Four letter word--change a letter


Can't write - want to write

2 things I suggest

One is the "Flowers Paradigm", a four stage progression from writing a rough draft to a polished edit. https://webspace.utexas.edu/cherwitz/www/ie/b_flowers.html

link to an overview description

Two--Bryan Garner, 'Legal Writing in Plain English'--don't be put off if you aren't doing law, this is easily used in a variety of disciplines, the goal is clear writing, it has great tips on how to edit and make your document flow.

Five letter word--change a letter

grits was the last word..........but invoking the 16 hour rule.......starting a new word!


Four letter word--change a letter


as in a man's name

New Billy Jack film?!


I hope they are actually able to do this! What a concept!

The Holiday Thread

To those who think its just not the holidays without trout......( and because I haven't posted trout recipes in ever so long!!! :$:$:$)
here is a small recipe to get the party started.


Watercress and Orange Salad with Smoked Trout

The Holiday Thread

Your PhD research sounds utterly fascinating, PhDbug! Can you give some more information on what you are looking at? I think that the online world is a fascinating one.....the creation of virtual communities, etc, etc, and how people interact in those virtual spaces!

The Holiday Thread

Hopefully this can be a virtual holiday celebration thread ( for all the holidays that fall this time of year) for those on the forum who are not able to be with family and friends at this time, who are stuck and stressed out doing PhD work, or who just want to have a virtual celebration in addition to everything else! The good points---no expensive presents to mess about with, no fighting the hoards at the shops, nothing to clean up, but all the joy of sharing company and friendship this time of year!

I will start the celebration by inviting everyone into the virtual Celebration Room--it needs a bit of decoration, what do people think? There is plenty of sunshine pouring into the room and lots of space on the walls for anything we need to add. I think this small picture of a tree and snow that my niece crayoned would go well----HERE.

Christmas Scroogeness

My Christmas present to everyone is being home for the holidays! After that expense, no money left for presents! That said, the real importance of the holiday is just that--family and friends, not loads of consumer items you can't afford and don't need. For years I have asked people who are inclined to get me a present to make a charitable donation in my name to the local dog's rescue home. One year my parents sponsored a goat in a village in a developing nation in my name--some small amount of money help a villager get set up with a flock of goats and some income.


According to this £60 gets an entire herd of goats set up!

Not to take away the joy others get from more traditional sorts of presents, but I get the best Christmas feeling thinking that maybe a small bit of good was done in some corner of the world.

Peace and Quiet

Quote From liminalplace:

Gosh Olivia I feel for you petal, have you thought about getting a private rented house or apartment to share?

I live in my own rented apartment rent is sometimes a pain in the arse but its quiet and my bathroom and kitchen are my own. And I have an office in my house mainly cos in university I got tired of being moved around like a flipping wheely chair.

Its a pain with rent but sometimes the benefits do wonders for your work. I turned my apartment into a wee zen haven where I reside pretty much 24/7 only leaving to squint at the sun and shuffle along to the shop lol

Thanks, Liminalplace, I think I will look for some kind of other accomodation. I just went past a recently renovated building that indicates it has self contained student apartments--and it has gorgeous big windows, so loads of sunshine! Cost, sadly, is a factor for me, but I will see whether there is something that I might sort!

Beloved Grandfather had passed away...

Very sorry to hear of your loss.