Overview of olivia

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Being homesick

I suppose the entire experience of homesickness is very individuated. It probably has a lot to do with the experiences of a place you call "home", or whether in fact there is a single place that you identify as "home" and what your connections and attachments are to it, and how much of that place is internalized in who you are. I have heard it said and I would agree, that people from cities and urban environments do not really see themselves as part of or attached to the landscape. They literally have none to attach to, other than concrete and buildings. How much of an identity is attached to that I do not personally know. There is some of course, but, whether there is the sense of rootedness like the article discusses, I do not, in my own experience, know.

I found the article to give a very good description of how I feel about being away from home. It for me has nothing to do wth the friendliness or desirability of where I am--that can be fine and well, but it still, nevertheless, is not home. The way that the article quotes Mole from Wind in the Willows and his feelings about his own home, are exactly how I feel about mine. My home, the landscape, the wide horizon and the skies, the certain warmth of a south wind in the summer, the smell of fresh hay being mown, the orange bittersweet berries in the fall, the russet of the grass in winter--those are all things with a lot of meaning to me, in a way that transcends simple landscapes...its hard to explain. I think the article does a better job than I can.

Five letter word--change one letter

Quote From tricky:


MORSE ( as in code)

Being homesick

Well, the British singer Joss Stone sings a MEAN blues! (up)(up)

Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Five letter word--change one letter

Quote From tricky:



Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Five letter word--change one letter

Quote From tricky:

Quote From olivia:

eeek you vowel eradicator!!!!

Whoops sorry.. erm well I will try get some more vowels back into it!

erm... SUANT

eeek thats too many vowels! Beware of what you wish for!

Lets try this again....


MOUSE ( taking obvious inspiration from my workspace!)

Being homesick

oh and new orleans music--like Beausolais and Emmy Lou Harris' incomparable Crescent City. :-)(up) zydeco! (up)

Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Being homesick

By now I have come to accept for me that part of being overseas means needing to manage being homesick--its not something that is going to go away, its part of the experience for me, and the task for me is managing it so it does not interfere unduly with getting the PhD done. http://www.phenomenologyonline.com/articles/winning.html

Link to the best article I have found that really explains the experience in a way that makes sense to me, and what can trigger it and why. It also makes me reflect on those things that I miss, and what can help manage the homesickness, curiously often enough is plugging on my earphones and listening to what is distinctly American music--Mo Town! Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, and then pre Mo Town, Ray Charles, Louis Armstrong...but all very American and bring to me some feelings of familiarity!

Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Five letter word--change one letter

eeek you vowel eradicator!!!!


Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Five letter word--change one letter

OK, new word...scratching head....
nice word, lots of vowels!