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The weather goes mad

18-20 degree, 3 days long!

Cuts in UK Research Council Funding

Maybe that's all part of the bigger, clandestine operation to prevent people from signing the petition?

PhD in Munich, Germany

Dear PostGradForumTeam:

Could you please remove the 5 identical threads before everybody starts answering on another thread?

Thank You

What Are You Researching???

Goods, how about yours then?

BTW: the reason many may be reluctant is the narrow/specific nature of PhD studies. Once we name it, anonymity is gone and who knows, our supervisor may decide to read just this thread today...

So what qualifications do I need?

In 9 out of 10 cases it is compulsory to register for an MPhil first. I don't think a MA or MSc is necessary to do a Phd (although I did one) with regard to research methods.

Once you start your PhD/Mphil, you will spend one year minimum with two activities: reading relevant literature for your research topic and attending training courses, e.g. qualitative or quantitative methods and so on.

to summarise, just apply for a PhD (i.e. register for an MPhil) and see what happens.

Supervision of students

yes, but with Undergraduate Students.

All I can tell you from my experience is the following: there will always be good and lazy students. Some will work hard and are grateful for your advice (although some hardworking students think they know everything better, so just let them do their own thing).

Other's are lazy. but you can't change them. In fact, if they get a good mark or not is up to their work and not to your input. In other words, even if (which I assume) you mark their work ultimately, the quality of work is not an indicator of your supervision abilities. Quite often it reflects the amount of work the students have done.

Help those who are willing to learn and ignore all the idiots who come in the last minute and never listened to your advice/don't work hard.

Considering PhD, please advise!

If you can self-fund the PhD, you can go to an unknown average university and just apply for a PhD. Shouldn't be any problem to get accepted. Plus, you will have the freedom to choose your topic independently rather than following the proposal of professors.

The weather goes mad

What's wrong with the weather. A few days ago it was so warm and almost spring.

Now there are snow showers, it's windy and it's really cold (at least in this part of the UK).

I think it's very depressing

Referring to oneself: use of personal pronoun

thanks, I'll try that

Referring to oneself: use of personal pronoun

Slightly off-topic, but where can I download a PhD thesis? I always thought one can only make an inter-library loan with the British Library?

Who got the fastest publication

This thread is completely.................useless

PhD (Distance or Online)

That's a good point. I never realised that P/T PhDs are not around all the time.

In an online university, is it possible to physically see and speak to your supervisor or is all just email contact?

PhD (Distance or Online)

That's a good point. I never realised that P/T PhDs are not around all the time.

In an online university, is it possible to physically see and speak to your supervisor or is all just email contact?

please help.....endnote - exporting to a MS word file

1. Highlight approx. 10 references and select REFERENCES, SHOW SELECTED REFERENCES

2. Select the required output style. the references can be sorted at this point, if a sorted reading list is required.

3. Select FILE, EXPORT. Select the appropriate location in the SAVE IN dropdown list. Type in a suitable filename and select appropriate file type for the SAVE AS TYPE list. [choose Rich Text Format rtf!]

4. The Reading list/Bibliography can now be edited as required, e.g. add a title , spacing etc.

PhD (Distance or Online)

What I'm saying is: I do not recommend online or distant PhDs as the success rates are extremely low.

There are no problems with Part-time PhDs, although they are extremely difficult. But there are problems with online/distant learning Part-time PhDs.