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Can't concentratre on anything

Pretty much as you have described Sixkitten. Its a nightmare. Everyday I start with the best intensions but seem to have the attension span of a goldfish and have lost the ability to read meaningfully for more than 10 minutes.

Please don't take this the wrong way - but I prefered Mia, classier I feel. Thats not to say you are not classy. I'm sure you are.

Porn Star Name

Seymore Butts.

Porn Star Name

Or his mate Master Bates?
I'd be Treacle Smith BTW.

is this normal???? does it happen to you

No it's rubbish. At my Uni, I was given a resaerch students handbook when I started setting out guide lines to what to expect and what my 'rights' were to supervision, min ammount of hours per year etc.
How many times have they forgot?

My tooth hurts! Can't work efficiently...

Poor 404. I really sympathize I had someting similar last year. Tooth ache, back pain or ear ache is the worst.
The others are right, oil of clove is absolutely brilliant and you can get it in any chemist. Pop a bit on a cotton wool bud and then where it is hurting in your mouth - you'll get a little respite. I rang round all the dentists in my area and found an emergency NHS surgery in London, which I was able to get a same day appointment & had a tooth removed there and then. You really should not have to wait weeks - keep on it. Don't let them palm you off.

Location of Newbies

Welcome Nomrod I am social science - there are a few of us lurking.
Your project sounds fascinating.

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

I have often been told I remind people of penelope pitstop!

writing an abstract for a conference paper -1st time help!

Ace. I'm So-Sci.

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

H: Are you sure? Twins - well that makes it doubley gross. They were at it, I reckone

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

I remember Mighty Mouse used to do my head in as a child but Batfink was rulin'.
Such agression Lamb, is not good for you. All I can say is One banana, two banana, three banana, four. Four bananas make a bunch and so do many more.Tra la la, la la la la, Tra la la, la la la la Tra la la, la la la la, Tra la la, la la la la

writing an abstract for a conference paper -1st time help!

Hello all,
Its a last minute thing, I've just been alerted to by a colleague.
I have to get in a 250 abstract by the end of the day & both my supervisors are away.
Any hints /tips?
Do I need to do a bibliography or a list of indicative reading if I don't have any quotes in the abstract.


Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

also Penelope Pit Stop, she wanted the hooded claw to catch her really.

Secret Squirrel & Morroco Mole, or Batfink "my wings are made of steel" anyone?

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

I remember Knightmare. It was so good, but looking back on it now the production values were low. It seemed so high-tech and 'A'mazing, but really it was all painted back drops and stage curtains & 50p props. I too, once dreamed of going on.....
BTW This may seem a bit off kilter but did anyone else think there was something slightly incestious going on between He-man & She-ra? I know they were supposed to be 1/2 syblings but they always spoke sooooo warmly about each other and were strangley brought up seperately. Touch of the Angelina Jolie's for She-ra me thinks?

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

What - blimey!?
What is your subject area?

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

Claudia - my question was not an indirect way of saying you should not be on the forum.
Sorry if it read that way. I am just a little amazed -how someone can do a PhD so young.
Have you done an M.A or Msc as well?