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Masters marks- does it matter?

My first degree is with a distinction and I also hold a diploma in my field of research. My mastres scores are not great, but I have scored really well in Dissertation that has even pulled up my overall average. DanB, I assume a 2.1 in Masters is somewhere between 50-60%. If that is the case, I fall into that category. And Ann first class is above 60% and Distinction is above 70% and only 10-15 students have scored distinction in my Uni since the inception of the course

Masters marks- does it matter?

well.. i have done my undergrad abroad and have a masters in the Uk in the relevent field for my phd.. however I have scored really well in my undergrad .. and not that great in masters.. i missed first class by a percent... does it really matter for phd applicants to have a first class at Masters level...(i have seen in some unis website).. i am worried...more because i am not a home student!

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Postgraduate Forum goes all modern!

good to the forum.. can make it more fun.. I can see all of 'em and I use IE 6.. it is great

It is a test

I am CONFUSED!!!:(

i am confused now! i am in touch with a supervisor.. he is all so sweet to me in mails and he has also said that he has done his best to get me under him.. and he also helped me with many papers n all, but he has never said directly that I am guaranteed a place. I know he has pretty less influence in the final decision but he has also told anything could happen even now... i am confused.. i am kind of lost and have not applied to any uni after that mail. what to do?

how to get phd in india

if i were to be u . i would have written to the counsellor of timesof india and asked formore information.. infact i have looked into that section and looks pretty informative... that could be u r best bet.

am I shooting in the dark?

so you guys suggest that I dont mass mail the profs. I was wondering if mailing only the university research office would suffice! many unis have applications that gives an option to fill in supervisor's name if contacted earlier, but it could be left unfilled isnt it!

or any other best way to pitch in really well! I am keen because not many unis offer management degrees and I would like to pursue a phd in mgmt!

am I shooting in the dark?

I am now applying for the universities and have also made a few applications; however I am now looking for backups.As most of us do, I have a standard mail outlining my research interest and I mail the same to many profs in same uni (of course customising it) I was wondering what if they discuss amongst themselves and realize the mail has same words and sentences. Will they think I am just shooting in dark to hit a bullseye??

how to get into a 4 year programme?

I am also in similar state as mellory. how do we strike a balance between being formal and informal through mails. One word or sentence may ruin the whole purpose. :(

what could I do now??

Thank you for your replies. I am though very keen on the project, I have kept my options open and have also applied for other universities. I havent heard from any yet.

I am sorry Mellory, that you could not get thru the interview n stuff.

I was curious to know how you guys maintained the contact with the potential supervisor without being pushy about the place in the project.

what could I do now??


This question may be a bit stupid and you may say to use common sense!however I am sure most of you guys would have gone through this process earlier(or is going thru). I am in the application process and have applied to a couple of unis. In one of the unis, a prof really helped me out to prepare a proposal that fits into the project he has been doing and asked me to make a formal application, which I have done now. I had good discussion of the topic all these days for the proposal, but now I am done with the proposal,we dont have anything to discuss. I feel that he may forget me if I dont keep in touch with him and I dont know what could be done to keep the conversation going!I am reading the stuff and have also asked a couple of off topic questions. I am afraid that by just sending him formal mails may put him off and may have effects on my application. I am pinning my hopes on the project. Please let me know what could be done now to keep the contact.What did you guys do(or doing)??


research proposal - another question

talking to your potential supervisor could be the key. if you sound all positive and humble in your mail. he/she could help you to develop a proposal that fits into the project. I am in the same boat as you are, however a couple of potential supervisors did help me to do my RP

How positive can it be?

thanks guys! i agree with u nimrod81.. probably i would feel awkward. I being an international student, am bit more worried than home students because my options are more limited...anyways have to wait and see

How positive can it be?

Hello all,

as my name goes, I am an aspiring PhD student. I am still in the application stage. I have had some conversation (exchange of emails) with one of the profs in one uni and he seems to be okay with me. He did help me to do my proposal and also gave good comments after my draft; however he has not assured me of a place for PhD under him. All his mails are positively worded; however I am not sure if I can ask if I am guaranteed a place. Also I was wondering how far can this be positive to me. If I know something, I can work on my other applications?

Any suggestions, experiences to share and ideas ??


So you are getting the coveted PhD... but what next? Where do you go from here?

Looks like the discussion is deviated from the actual topic... like wise i think PhD holders will also get deviated from the traditional academic or research posts!! well i have no idea what could that be because I have not even got into PhD!!