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I have 'feelings' for my fiance's best friend!!!

Robber, I don't think you are a cow at all. You cannot help the way you feel about this guy, I just think you need to be careful if you are serious about marrying someone else. If you are really so keen on him that lunch-dates are becoming risky, then perhaps they are best avoided.

I know that even after several years in a happy relationship, there are still people who I think "Wow, under different circumstances, I could be really keen on you" about - both people I have known for a long time and people I have only just met. It is only human and I would be really concerned if I didn't ever get these feelings, because it would mean I had lost the ability to be attracted to other people...and the ability to attract other people!

Conference- Dress Code

Hi silverbobs. This topic has come up before (try searching the forum with the keywords 'conference' and 'dress') because all of us seem to have this dilemma when we go to our first conference. I think the general consensus is it depends on the conference you are going to. As I recall, Ann mentioned suits for medical conferences, but I know jeans were acceptable at the microbiology one I went to in Ireland, except for the speakers who put in a bit more effort. Either way, have fun and can I just ask that you try to put in a bit of effort to talk to the people who don't know anybody at the conference please? Nothing more stink than being by yourself in a room of chatting groups of people.

I have 'feelings' for my fiance's best friend!!!

I love chocolate biscuits, but I don't want to get fat. If I simply do not buy any chocolate biscuits, I can't eat them and don't get fat. Remove the temptation or opportunity and you can't get into trouble. In your case, do not ever plan to be alone with this guy and you won't be able to do something you WILL regret later. Why on earth are you having 2-person lunch dates when you know they are risky?

Room 101 (grumpy old postgrads)

...and don't order new tips...or new restriction enzymes when they are running low...Grrrrr.

I need a forum hug...please?

Thank you so much, everybody. Was just really down in the dumps for a couple of days, but feel much better after all those hugs.

After I submitted my thesis, I clean forgot about it and didn't worry at all for a month. Now it has been 7 weeks and my supervisor said "any day now", so I have started stressing. To make matters worse, the people at the shop I am working in have started the "you have a PhD, you should know everything" sarcastic sniggers. People are so insensitive sometimes.

Sorry for being so morose, and thanks again for all the hugs. I can feel the forum love!

Had a postdoc interview today

I have my fingers crossed very tightly for you, 404. Good luck!

I need a forum hug...please?

Thanks, aliby...sniff...just having one of those days. Won't bore you with the details, just worried about what my examiners are doing to my thesis and still can't get a real job and...sniff...had dinner with my supervisors and all emotional about the end of an era...sniff. Sorry, and thanks. I really need a Coastman hug...sniff.

I need a forum hug...please?

...Coastman? pea? Ann? H? 404? Anybody?

endote - cite and write

In case you have problems such as this again, jojo, the Endnote website has a pretty good FAQ technical problems section. I have been able to solve most of my Endnote-related issues by looking them up there.

Where are these people?

publication problems regarding 1st authorship

Is it really wise to give laxatives to someone who uses the same toilets as you? No way!

Hi everyone! I'm back ...

Welcome back, DJW. I missed you and I know pea did too. We thought we had lost you to the Facebook darkside.

How to read...

That was supposed to start "Have you TRIED a list"!

How to read...

Have you a list, even if your tasks are just 'Read X paper'. I used to write lists on the disposable benchcoat on my bench in the lab each day. I found having it in front of me kept me focussed - when I started to think I had nothing to do, the list reminded me there is always plenty to do. Other students in the lab started writing their own lists on their benchcoat too!

Even now that I have finished my labwork and thesis, I still write lists most days. Todays:
1. Pick up my partners suit from the dry cleaner.
2. Apply for the job I heard about yesterday.
3. Buy a gift for a christening we are going to on Sunday.
4. Buy a belated birthday present for a friend and post it.
5. Phone my sister back.
6. Go to work at 5.30pm.
7. Book car in for a service.

This is ridiculously unnecessary because I would remember to do these things even if I didn't write them in a list, but I just like lists. Maybe lists will help you stay focussed too?

I didn't get my scholarship :(

Hug for PinkNeuron from Piglet.