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The "I'm having a cold thread"

I too have a cold! I definitely agree with some of the PNI research; the link between stress and increase suspectibility to colds! I'm trying to do several things at once, upgrade document, designing and implementing a pilot study (one phd, one government project) plus teaching...ahhh the drama continues

Upgrading seminar next term: Arghhhh!

Also, im doing my pilot study soon, so I'm really worrying about fitting it all in!

Upgrading seminar next term: Arghhhh!

hiya! I sent this message about upgrading a few months back, now its fast approaching and im panicking big time. I know what I want to do, I've written about 10k worth of my literature review...My supervisors are saying I've got nothing to worry about, but I'm really sh*t scared. I have a mock coming up at the end of Nov...

Any advice would be much appreciated!

ESRC +3 Funding without Masters?

I have a +3 ESRC studentship.

When I applied for my advertised post, I was the only one who had an MSc in Research which was +1 credited. All the other candidates were rejected as a result. So I think the answer is yes, you will need to have the +1 MSc/MA Research methods before getting +3 funding

living in halls or not?


I probably would have preferred living off campus, but the benefits of being so close to my office (lazy, can't be bothered to walk up the v.steep hill), no worries about bills, and having an ensuite room were definite plus points for me. I also ended up meeting some really cool people, I probably wouldn't have met if I lived off campus

living in halls or not?

Hiya. I stayed in postgrad halls of residences during my first year of PhD life.

-close to my office
-internet access
-ensuite bedroom (loved that!)
-no bills
-guarnteed room for the whole academic year

-a VERY lonely experience. Everyone on my corridor were on MScs. I was the only PhD student. It didn't help matters that most of them couldn't really speak much English. (Probably my fault for not meeting more people I guess).
-Could be very noisy. I ended up getting really fed up with noisy neighbours-PhDs are alot to cope with, let alone, inconsiderate people on corridors! (glad to see the back of it!). I suffered from sleep depreviation on more than one occasion!
-very expensive in comparision with offcampus (could be coz of ensuite)
-messy unhygenic students when it came to sharing a kitchen! (im so glad i didn't have to share a bathroom with them!).
-At 26, I felt very old in comparision with everyone else.

attending graduation ceremony

I would love to! It will be nice to graduate in a cathedral. My former partner as promised me that he will go...

Having said that, right now (just started second year) I can't see any hope of actually passing; so graduation seems a VERY distant occasion.

Shall I really go for a PhD?

I really don't agree that a Masters is a waste of time. I've got 2 of them; health psychology and research methods. Both MScs have given me stage 1 crediation of a health psychology qualification and my research methods has really helped me settling into my phd, and will be invaluable when it comes to analysing data etc. Also, some of the studentships require studying at masters level; for example, ESRC +3 funding (which is what i have) requires that a student already has a masters in research prior to phd study.

Some unis (UCL, cambridge) do look for people with 1st class degrees for PhD; whereas other unis look at candidates with 2.1s, 2.2s and additional qualifications so it depends.

What does 2:1 stand for?

second class honours, upper or first division

Scholarship, Do I stand a chance, even a small one??


I'm conducting a PhD within the social research and social policy field. I'm into my second year, and after a slow start, I'm looking forward to actually getting some interesting findings!

I was up against 5 other applicants; they all had 2.1s and 1st class degrees. At the time of appplying for this PhD, I was finishing off my second MSc in Psychology. Somehow I got it by really fighting my corner and basically selling myself.

If I can get a studenthip of 16k and I don't have a 2.1, then I'm sure the overwhelmingly majority of you with 2.1s plus should be able to get one! I now realise how extremley lucky I've been though.


Could use some advice from those who know

I understand. Im 26, about to start my second year of PhD. Its hard to think that once we finish, we will be in our late 20s and will only have just got out of the clutches of academia, without having those things that many women in their 20s already have. I worry about whether this PhD is the right thing to do, but there are days when I think whether I would be blowing a fab opportunity. But, my partner of 5 years decided to end our relationship as he wanted to focus on himself and not be in a relationship, despite us talking about marriage and babies. Now, it looks like marriage, babies, getting a house etc is completely down the toilet. I do wonder whether studying for a PhD caused him to want to end our relationship; he was and still is v.supportive, but its a shame that all the things I wanted for after my PhD (marriage, babies, house etc) with the man i love. So, in some respects, your not alone!

PhD: is it affordable?

Well, I'm going to be doing some seminar undergraduate teaching next term (very nervous about it!)but the pay is relatively good. Friends of mine have taught undergrad seminar teachings at other unis also!

Informal enquiries and CV applications for PhD Studentships

Also, I did not write an informal email or anything, but I'm sure it wouldn't harm your application at all; it would just show that your keen I guess :D

Informal enquiries and CV applications for PhD Studentships

Hiya. Ok, I'm just about to finish my first year of an advertised funded PhD. From what I remember, I had to change my CV to place more emphasis on academic achievements, publications, heavily on research experience, presentations. When it got to the interview stage, my questions were mainly on my academic abilities and my research experience. So my advice would be to really work on those sections! Also, what helped me loads, was to really study the advert. I spent quite a bit of time researching the area around the PhD and tried to map my experience onto the PhD area. It really helped! I hope this helped with your prep.:)

how do you people find working from home?

I would love to work from home, I can get so much more done! But I'm strongly encouraged to stay in the office pretty much all the time, and have to justify myself if I'm not in :( :(

I guess it depends on the person, the situation and the academic department