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PhD Anger!!!!

I'm really sorry to hear about your friend Dark_Jester.

My viva will take place within the next few weeks and knowing that PhD students do fail their PhDs is really worrying me! My sups said there is a possibility of an MPhil if I'm not clear on my research aims, but fortunately my thesis benefits from originality, so I'm hoping and praying for a resubmit/major corrections rather than an MPhil.

I'm so sorry to hear this has happened,  I find it astonishing that supervisors allow PhDs through to submission if there's a possibility of failure- again something that's keeping me awake at night. I have to agree with the other reply, it's very difficult to predict what the examiners will say- which really makes the lead up to the viva extremely stressful!

My heart really goes out to your friend

Viva- countdown- one month today

Thanks for the support everyone :)

Supervisors said, yes my thesis is extensive and far more extensive than their respective PhDs, BUT they also said an extensive PhD is a weakness with my thesis because my examiners will have mostly likely lost the 'thread' and 'story'. I can't win with my sups! :(

At the moment, I'm trying to keep myself out of MPhil/ failure territory by planning how to structure a resubmitted draft, tightening up my research objectives and following various viva tips from this website. I know there's lots of shortcomings with my thesis, so I'm trying to identify most of them now!

eeeeek- I hope I haven't left it too late for serious viva prep!

I still have a little demon on my shoulder telling me that I will never get through this or they will fail me outright, but I'm doing everything I can to focus on the positives about my work and ignore the negative defeatist thinking.

I've put so much work into it, I refuse to admit defeat now. My supervisors were more or less convinced that I'll never make it through the upgrading procedures (and I passed with flying colours second time round) so in many ways, it feels like I'm back there again, trying to prove to them that I CAN DO THIS (whereas they've pretty much hinted that it could go either way- MPhil/revise and resubmit).

In a months time, right about now, I'll be in the middle of my viva- how scary is that?!?!

Viva- countdown- one month today

======= Date Modified 01 Mar 2011 09:30:08 =======
Hi all,

Yikes- my viva will take place a month today- (on April Fools Day!)

I suddenly feel extremely motivated and determined enough to really go for this. I'm also relaxed, clear minded and focused which is a complete turn around from my extreme anxiety ridden state. Despite the MANY shortcomings of my thesis, I feel confident today.

I'm trying to block out all negative thinking by focusing on the positives of my thesis (as outlined previously on this website) and highlighting where my work fits in within the context of social care.

I can see that I've developed professionally as I can spot the mistakes I've made throughout my thesis. Although acknowledging these mistakes is a very painful experience(as it supports my beliefs of a substandard thesis)- at least I can highlight to my examiners that I'm aware of my mistakes and I intend to correct them in a subsequent draft.

On a more positive note, I'm starting to agree with my supervisors that I have an extensive thesis which really taps into a very under-researched field. At the very least, I've tapped into some innovative research that supports, extends and elaborates on my external examiners publications.

I just hope they don't fail me with an MPhil (which according to my sups is a possibility if I'm not clear on my research aims)!

I'm going to spend today updating and revising my literature review chapters.

Thanks for reading.


Viva fear :(

======= Date Modified 16 Feb 2011 16:54:31 =======
Hello everyone.

I just wanted to say thank you for all of your replies.

I finally have my viva date planned for Friday 1st of April, so hopefully I have left myself plenty of time for some serious preparations (I HOPE so anyway, otherwise I'm screwed!). I was seriously trembling and shaking when I found out the viva date!

Thank you for all of your suggestions. All this stress and waiting round for a viva date has just left me feeing drained and tired!

I'm still DREADING this viva, but at least I know that it will take place on X date at X time which has really helped me focus on the end point- or at least deferred end point. I'm desperately trying to block out all this negativity by thinking about the positives. I have the vision of my supervisors saying 'possibility of an MPhil' permanently in my head (which isn't helping), but I'm trying my best to block out such images and replacing with something more positive!

My sups feel my thesis is far too long (around 120,000 words) contains a weak discussion chapter and contains errors (typos)throughout. I've also missed references of the reference list and some sections within some chapters require rewriting. All in all, my thesis requires extensive major corrections, rather than minor corrections. Their definition of minor corrections is very few errors and rewrites.

I'm very very aware of all of my thesis limitations, how I could improve my thesis, how my thesis fits in with the wider literature and possible additions to my thesis. I'll have a look at viva prep tips on this website and from the recommended books. I guess my task is to stay positive about my thesis, know my work inside and out and be prepared to defend any questions that come my way.

Time to get cracking with some serious prep (from Sunday as I have another exam on Saturday), no matter how painful it is revisit my thesis. All I want is the opportunity to revise and resubmit rather than a fail/MPhil. If my sups are right, it's up to me to convince them to swing the balance from an MPhil to a revise and resubmit.

Thanks for the support everyone :) I will seriously think about professional help if my anxiety gets the better of me again! :)

Viva fear :(

Hello all,

Just venting really- so apologies in advance.

I have my viva in early/mid March and I feel physically sick.

I'm trying to think of the strengths of my thesis in order to counteract my despair. I think there are some positives about my thesis including the following:
1) mixed methods research- other studies in this field have used one method
2) Original-no other study has gone into this much depth on this topic before (at least in terms of published work). For example, my thesis includes 4 large result chapters- 1)needs and psychopathology- differences between groups, 2) Quantitative experiences of services, 3) Qualitative experiences of services, 4) Findings from my observational tool- assessment of service competency
3) My work partly reports on data collected from the largest study into this particular service. My PhD therefore reports on data collected from all over the UK- majority of studies report on a specific region.
4) No one has reported on the viewpoints as reported in my qualitative chapter. My thesis therefore has given a voice to an unknown sample
5) My thesis includes variety of perspectives on my topic- service users, relatives and staff. I've tried to integrate a variety of perspectives- most studies have focused on 1 perspective.
6) I've included a content analysis of key journals in order to highlight how under researched this field is- most researchers have commented on the lack of research into this area. My external examiner also published a content analysis, but I've used more UK journals, updated his out dated findings by using the last few years and I've included journals reflecting two population groups- he only focused on one population group
7) I've produced new tools which services could use to improve their awareness of my thesis area.
8) I've received lots of interest from various leading organisations on the findings from my thesis.
9)My thesis includes UK directories which highlights specialist services. The UK does not have any statistics on these services. Also, researchers could use my directories for future research.

However, despite the potential benefits of my work, I'm fully expecting a hellish viva. I've put so much work into thesis I'm feeling very unhappy and depressed that they will fail me outright :( My sups feel that there is no chance of minor corrections and the best I can hope for is major corrections with a possibility of an MPhil if I'm not clear on my research aims or otherwise crumble within the viva. But, my sups also said that my thesis is extensive for a PhD and taps into an unknown area.

I can't stand this waiting. I can't sleep, I keep crying and I'm very unhappy. I want this over and done with NOW!! I dont want to be humiliated by failing with an MPhil. All I want is the chance to resubmit it as I know the submitted version is full of errors. I keep reading about failed PhDs and I'm terrified this will happen to me!

Apologies for my rant

My viva was today!

======= Date Modified 26 Jan 2011 17:09:41 =======
Congratulations Dr Kikuka :) Thank you so much for providing such a detailed and very helpful post.

I have my viva in mid March and I already feel like bursting into tears! I'm so scared of failing my viva it's unreal! According to my sups, my best outcome will be a revise and resubmit with a possibility of an MPhil :(  I would be over the moon if I received a revise and resubmit! I'm also interested in your response to Dafydd's question- did your supervisors predict the same outcome prior to the viva?

I'm planning to start the viva preparations over the weekend. How did you prepare for your viva?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the celebrations!!!!! WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx

No sign of viva date :(

Thanks for the support everyone! Waiting for a viva date has really stressed me out so I'm not going to work on serious viva prep just yet- well at least until the weekend. Today, I'm going to collect as much advice as possible on how to prepare for the viva and organise my box files etc.

I feel a mixture of strange relief but also feelings of sheer fear, worry, anxiety and disbelief. I also feel a sense of reflection, happiness and pride in reaching the viva stage, which is surprising given the number of times I've wanted to drop out. It is reassuring and a relief that this will all be over soon enough.

I'm not working at the moment and I'm going to devote all of February for serious viva prep. I really want to pass and fight for an opportunity to resubmit!!!

No sign of viva date :(

======= Date Modified 25 Jan 2011 20:53:30 =======

Thanks Walminskipeasucker. I'm just very concerned that it has failed to reach PhD standard as the thesis was too extensive (over the word limit by 20,000) and contains mistakes throughout. I also have my sups words of a 'possibility of an MPhil (but most likely a revise and resubmit)' in my head all the time which is also really adding to my anxiety levels.

I heard that examiners have pulled a thesis prior to the viva for failing to reach PhD standard- which is why I'm rather anxious at the mo!

In my defence, I know the my thesis very well, I know in hindsight what aspects of my thesis I would change, I'm also very aware of my thesis limitations and where my work fits in with the wider literature etc etc. I know my internal examiner was also very positive about my thesis when he marked my upgrade report.

I will start seriously preparing though- at least collect as much info as I can on how to prepare for types of questions and start organising all my papers etc etc. I really REALLY want to pass with a revise and resubmit. I've put far too much work in this thesis to fail at the last hurdle. I would be over the moon if it was a revise and resubmit!!!

I still feel very shakey!!!

No sign of viva date :(

FINALLY got a provisional date for my viva from my university.....my viva will definitely take place between early to mid March;

There's absolutely no mention of pulling the thesis from examination by my examiners apparently

Let the serious preparations begin!!!!!!!!

No sign of viva date :(

Yep, informal feedback. I may just give it a go anyway. I'm running low on my savings as it is due to months of no regular income! I think there's probably a compliment from this initial feedback in there somewhere ;)

No sign of viva date :(

======= Date Modified 25 Jan 2011 09:48:44 =======
Thanks Annie- you've really helped put things into perspective. I just hate all this waiting around!! I wanted to have this PhD finished with by the time I'm 30 (which is not going to happen now) but it would be great if I could put this thesis to rest by the end of my 30th year.

I recently enquired about research worker/assistant positions from the people advertising the positions at a top London university. With my background [(BSc, MSc, MSc, PCert, PhD (well assuming I pass)] and 7 years psychology graduate experience, they felt I was overly qualified for more 'junior' level research jobs and that such jobs would add nothing in terms of my career progression. Although I can see their point, rejection still hurts!

I'm looking at practitioner doctorates in Psychology for September entry at the moment. I would love a split research/client practitioner job eventually!

No sign of viva date :(

======= Date Modified 24 Jan 2011 22:17:26 =======
Thanks Ady for your advice!

Lack of a viva date 3.5 months after I submitted surely has to be a very bad sign!!?! (Although examiners received my thesis 2.5 months ago).

Supervisors said there is a possibility of an MPhil, but most likely a revise and resubmit. I just wish someone would tell me whether I'll have the viva or not!!! No response from my university, other than please wait.

Feeling very tearful :( The wait continues.......

No sign of viva date :(

======= Date Modified 22 Jan 2011 09:03:19 =======

Good morning :)

Just wanted to say thank you for all your replies. Great advice as always!

I'm still waiting on a date which I'm putting down to examiners receiving it in mid November (and the Christmas break). I'm trying desperately not to think that this delay is due to an arguably sub standard yet very extensive and large thesis. I know there are PhDers out there who submitted the same time as me and have already had their vivas. I know each university is different, but it just adds to the worry. A delay like this occurred when there were problems with my upgrade report, so you can imagine I'm thinking the worst. 

I'm stuck because according to some feedback, I'm overly qualified for research assistant jobs due to awaiting viva and I can't really apply to research associate jobs either without a fully completed PhD.

In addition to viva prep, I'm applying for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology for Sept entry which is keeping me occupied as well as a PCert for career professional development. Also enjoying lots of exercise!!

At least if I had a date I can focus on my viva, it would be confirmation that it will take place rather than having it pulled from examination. Good idea on the phony viva date option though ;)

I'll keep you all updated and I'll try and remain positive :p

Hellish Viva -awarded MPhil

======= Date Modified 21 Jan 2011 11:29:01 =======
I'm really sorry again Nichola. My heart really goes out to you. Sounds like the ultimate nightmare for PhD candidates (and probably the supervisory team as well!) Reading your post kept me awake the whole night worrying that I may be in the same boat in a few months time! :(

If you decide to appeal, I really hope you have some luck with it and also collect as much advice as possible. I can appreciate how difficult it must be right now, but please take a break from it all!

Thinking of you x

Hellish Viva -awarded MPhil

Hi Nicola,

My stomach flipped and sank when I read your post- because according to my supervisor, there is a possibility I could end up with an MPhil in my forthcoming viva. Basically I need to give one hell of a defence if I'm to stand a chance and I need to argue for the opportunity of a resubmission. What's even more worrying is my PhD was also part of a bigger project!

I'm so sorry, sounds like an awful situation and is the stuff of pure nightmares for all PhD candidates- and something that is a real reality for me.

What I wanted to say is take some time off and relax from this whole process and if you can, seek advice from your supervisors or university advice etc on next steps.

Take it easy

P x